I have an application I've written in C#, although any similar language would apply here.

The application has the job of drawing a graphical scene to a window on a Form in real-time based on data it receives over various UDP and TCP sockets. Each UDP and TCP connection uses its own thread: these threads each modify various objects in memory which in turn modify the graphical display. I also have a user interface thread which is capable of receiving user events (button clicks, etc) which in turn modify those same objects and the display. Finally, I also have many timers that I fire which launch their own threads which modify those same objects and the display.

The objects in memory that are being modified consist of about 15 different classes.

Everything works pretty reliably, but with all of those different classes being modified by different threads, I've had to add a lot of synchronization locks. I've had to look at each class individually to determine which memory might be altered by more than one thread.

It seems very easy in this situation to miss one of those spots: to forget to add synchronization somewhere it's needed.

I'm curious as to whether others would implement this the way I did, or if there's some more elegant way: perhaps somehow putting all of the modification of class A on its own thread or something?

(P.S. I'm deathly afraid of asking a question here after things didn't go so well the first time. But I don't think my query here is super-obvious so I'm hoping you won't either. ;o)


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例如,假设您有多个线程需要更新包含用户的地图和另一个包含活动用户的集合,而不是为用户地图和活动用户集设置锁并让您的线程手动获取锁,我会建议引入一个抽象调用 UserRepository,其中包含用户映射和活动用户集。UserRepository 将为其他人提供一些对业务有意义的方法来操作 UserRepository。锁是在 UserRepository 的方法中获取的,而不是由调用者显式获取。

根据我过去的经验,通过像上面提到的示例这样更好的设计,可以大大简化 80% 以上的复杂同步。




于 2013-01-07T01:49:07.180 回答