我在 DirectX11 中有一个 3D 对象,它有一个位置矢量和一个面向方向的旋转角度(它只围绕 Y 轴旋转)。
D3DXVECTOR3 m_position;
float m_angle;
D3DXVECTOR3 normDirection, normTarget;
D3DXVec3Normalize( &normDirection, ????);
D3DXVec3Normalize( &normTarget, &(m_position-target));
// I store the values in degrees because I prefer it
float angleToRotate = D3DXToDegree( acos( D3DXVec3Dot( &normDirection, &normTarget)));
解决方案(在 user2802841 的帮助下):
// assuming these are member variables
D3DXVECTOR3 m_position;
D3DXVECTOR3 m_rotation;
D3DXVECTOR3 m_direction;
// and these are local variables
D3DXVECTOR3 target; // passed in as a parameter
D3DXVECTOR3 targetNorm;
D3DXVECTOR3 upVector;
float angleToRotate;
// find the amount to rotate by
D3DXVec3Normalize( &targetNorm, &(target-m_position));
angleToRotate = D3DXToDegree( acos( D3DXVec3Dot( &targetNorm, &m_direction)));
// calculate the up vector between the two vectors
D3DXVec3Cross( &upVector, &m_direction, &targetNorm);
// switch the angle to negative if the up vector is going down
if( upVector.y < 0)
angleToRotate *= -1;
// add the rotation to the object's overall rotation
m_rotation.y += angleToRotate;