I received couple of screenshots from a user indicating that the CCMenuItemFont
and CCLabelTTF
do not appear on a Macbook retina device. All the images in the application are correctly shown while the text doesn't appear correctly.
A code sample of one of the labels:
CCLabelTTF *label=[CCLabelTTF labelWithString:answer fontName:@"Helvetica" fontSize:30];
[label setColor:ccc3(255, 255, 255)];
[label setPosition:ANSWER_POSITION];
[self addChild:label];
I am using two languages in the application. The english words appear as a small wave while the others don't appear at all. A screenshot to show an english word:
Unfortunately, I don't have access to a Retina device, and the following method is not working for me to debug the problem: How to simulate a retina display (HiDPI mode) in Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion on a non-retina display?
Any ideas how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance