我们知道,为了防止SQL 注入问题,必须在编写 SQL 查询之前对字符串值进行转义——尤其是来自用户或其他外部来源的字符串值。


1) 收到值时转义的示例:

$test = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['test']);
$query=" UPDATE * from test_panel where test='" . $test . "'";


$test = $_POST['test'];
$query=" UPDATE * from test_panel where test='" . $mysqli->real_escape_string('$test') . "'";



5 回答 5


That's quite interesting question but the answer is not that easy.

What is the proper time to use real_escape_string? When data arrives in POST, or just before composing the query?


Let me explain it a bit.

First, let's sort out the terminology. There are many mistakes in the way the question put in.

  1. Let's talk not of escaping using real_escape_string but rather of formatting. Just because escaping has a very limited use - it's only a part of the formatting rules of just one type of SQL literals. While other types require different formatting rules.
  2. Therefore, formatting when data "arrives in POST" is out of question - we just can't tell which field is going into which position in the query and thus we just don't know which rules to apply.
  3. Last but not least: nor POST nor any other external source has absolutely nothing to do with query formatting. Once you have to put a string literal into query, you have to format it according to SQL syntax rules, no matter of it's source. Same goes for the numbers and such.

So, the only proper time when we have to format our data is right before the query composing.

Yet applying real_escape_string() right in the application code is a very bad practice.

  1. As it was mentioned above, escaping is insufficient to format a string. String formatting involves both escaping and quoting. So, whatever facility intended to format strings for the SQL query, it should always perform both tasks, not one. Both quoting and escaping. Because these 2 rules are totally useless if applied one without another. So, it's essential to couple them together, in one facility.
  2. Don't forget of different formatting rules for different data types. Numbers have to be cast to it's type explicitly, while escaping will do no good for them.
  3. Manual escaping is just silly. Repeated $mysqli->real_escape_string('$test') makes your code bloated and hard to read. Why not to ask a database driver to do all the formatting for you? So, you have to follow the most modern technology - use a placeholder to represent data in the query. While processing such a placeholder, driver will automatically format the data going on it's place.
    And it will be either safe and convenient.

There are 2 methods of using placeholders easy way (without manual binding which is no better than manual escaping in terms of readability):

  • Use PDO, as it lets you just pass a variable to be used in the prepared query

so, the code going to be

$db->prepare("SELECT * from test_panel where test=?");

and PDO will do all the formatting internally

  • or invent your own wrapper to implement placeholders

like this one

function paraQuery()
    global $mysqli;

    $args  = func_get_args();
    $query = array_shift($args);
    $query = str_replace("%s","'%s'",$query); 

    foreach ($args as $key => $val)
        $args[$key] = $mysqli->real_escape_string($val);

    $query  = vsprintf($query, $args);
    $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    if (!$result)
        throw new Exception($mysqli->error()." [$query]");
    return $result;

$query  = "SELECT * FROM table where a=%s AND b LIKE %s LIMIT %d";
$result = paraQuery($query, $a, "%$b%", $limit);

or, for your current query:

$result = paraQuery("SELECT * from test_panel where test=%s", $_POST['test']);

look - it become short, sane and safe.

于 2013-01-05T11:51:10.447 回答



您问题的真正(imo)答案就是忘记转义并使用prepared statements'

于 2013-01-05T09:49:25.850 回答




于 2013-01-05T09:42:31.140 回答

在实际用于编写查询之前,绝不应转义值。无论您使用准备好的语句/PDO 还是使用 real_escape_string 将查询组合为 SQL 格式的字符串,这都是正确的。





想象一下,您尝试做相反的事情:对所有值进行预编码。这实际上是不可能的,因为您有很多字符串值,并且并非所有这些值都将在查询中使用。在某个地方,您可能有一个变量既可用作显示器的输出,也可用于查询。显示转义值是不正确的。同样难以(或不可能)跟踪哪些变量用于查询,哪些变量用于其他非 SQL 用途。


于 2013-01-05T10:21:22.210 回答

首先,您应该将连接作为 mysqli 真实转义字符串中的第二个参数传递其次,您还应该使用准备好的语句


于 2013-01-05T09:49:29.030 回答