let inline isValidUnitValue myUnit = myUnit > LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
简短的回答是否定的一样。如果存在这样的函数,它将具有类似的签名, 'a<'b> -> 'a
- 使用重载(a la C#)
type UnitDropper =
static member drop (x:sbyte<_> ) = sbyte x
static member drop (x:int16<_> ) = int16 x
static member drop (x:int<_> ) = int x
static member drop (x:int64<_> ) = int64 x
static member drop (x:decimal<_>) = decimal x
static member drop (x:float32<_>) = float32 x
static member drop (x:float<_> ) = float x
[<Measure>] type m
let x = UnitDropper.drop 2<m> + 3
> let inline dropUnitAndAdd3 x = UnitDropper.drop x + 3 ;;
-> error FS0041: A unique overload for method 'drop' could not be determined ...
- 使用内联,一个常见的技巧是重新输入:
let inline retype (x:'a) : 'b = (# "" x : 'b #)
[<Measure>] type m
let x = retype 2<m> + 3
let inline dropUnitAndAdd3 x = retype x + 3
let y = retype 2.0<m> + 3
- 同时使用重载和内联:这个技巧将通过中间类型使用重载来解决这两个问题,这样您就可以获得编译时检查并且您将能够定义泛型函数:
type DropUnit = DropUnit with
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:sbyte<_> ) = sbyte x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:int16<_> ) = int16 x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:int<_> ) = int x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:int64<_> ) = int64 x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:decimal<_>) = decimal x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:float32<_>) = float32 x
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:float<_> ) = float x
let inline dropUnit x = DropUnit $ x
[<Measure>] type m
let x = dropUnit 2<m> + 3
let inline dropUnitAndAdd3 x = dropUnit x + 3
let y = dropUnit 2.0<m> + 3 //fails at compile-time
在最后一行你会得到一个编译时错误:FS0001: The type 'int' does not match the type 'float'
这种方法的另一个优点是您可以稍后通过在类型定义中定义静态成员 ($) 来使用新类型扩展它,如下所示:
type MyNumericType<[<Measure 'U>]> =
static member dropUoM (x:MyNumericType<_>) : MyNumericType = ...
static member ($) (DropUnit, x:MyNumericType<_>) = MyNumericType.dropUoM(x)
- 利用一些通用约束:
let inline retype (x: 'T) : 'U = (# "" x: 'U #)
let inline stripUoM (x: '``Num<'M>``) =
let _ = x * (LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne : 'Num)
retype x :'Num
这类似于 2) 但它不需要类型注释。限制是它仅适用于数字类型,但通常这是 UoM 的用例。