I'm making a game with Pygame and I'm trying to animate asteroids that get hit with a bullet. The animation works fine if there's just one asteroid type on the screen. I run into trouble when there's two identical asteroids on the screen. It seems that the first one on is the only one that uses my animation.
For example, say the game spawns two small asteroids, these are the exact same and I'm using glob.glob to get the 4 animation images, then I'll just use those images to create a little animation by looping over them. This works with one of the asteroids, the other will not play the animation. I'm thinking it must be because only one object can use specific images at any one time?
I'm sorry for the terrible explaination.
Here's the asteroid class I have and the call to create the animation:
class Asteroid(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, screen, size):
self.screen = screen
self.size = size
self.pos_x = random.randint(100,900)
pos_y= random.randint(100, 700)
self.pos_y = -pos_y
self.vel_y = 3
self.update_main = True
self.animation_path = ""
#load the image then put it above the screen, ready to drop
if self.size == "small":
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("asteroid_small.tga")
self.animation_path = "C:/Programming/Stupid Games/Alien Invasion/animations/asteroid_small/*.tga"
elif self.size == "medium":
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("asteroid_medium.tga")
self.animation_path = "C:/Programming/Stupid Games/Alien Invasion/animations/asteroid_medium/*.tga"
elif self.size == "med_large":
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("asteroid_med_large.tga")
self.animation_path = "C:/Programming/Stupid Games/Alien Invasion/animations/asteroid_med_large/*.tga"
elif self.size == "small_med":
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("asteroid_small_med.png")
elif self.size == "small_1":
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("small1.tga")
self.animation_path = "C:/Programming/Stupid Games/Alien Invasion/animations/small/*.tga"
self.asteroid_image = pygame.image.load("asteroid_large.tga")
self.animation_path = "C:/Programming/Stupid Games/Alien Invasion/animations/asteroid_large/*.tga"
#make the asteroid transparent
corner = self.asteroid_image.get_at((0,0))
self.asteroid_image.set_colorkey(corner, RLEACCEL)
#randomly rotate the image
self.new_asteroid_image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.asteroid_image, random.randint(0,340))
self.rect = self.new_asteroid_image.get_rect()
self.rect.x, self.rect.y = ((self.pos_x, self.pos_y))
self.start_animate = False
self.times = 0
#load the asteroid animation
self.animation = glob.glob(self.animation_path)
self.animation_pos = 0
self.animation_max = len(self.animation)-1
self.animation_speed_init = 50
self.animation_speed = self.animation_speed_init
def update(self):
#if asteroid has left the screen, place it back to the top
if self.rect.y > 900:
pos_y = random.randint(100,500)
self.rect.y = -pos_y
self.rect.x = random.randint(100,900)
self.rect.y += self.vel_y
self.position = self.rect.x, self.rect.y
self.screen.blit(self.new_asteroid_image.convert(), self.position)
if self.start_animate == True:
self.animation_speed += 25
if self.animation_speed > 60:
self.update_main = False
self.new_asteroid = pygame.image.load(self.animation[self.times])
corner = self.new_asteroid.get_at((0,0))
self.new_asteroid.set_colorkey(corner, RLEACCEL)
self.new_asteroid_image = self.new_asteroid
self.animation_speed = 0
self.animation_pos += 1
self.times += 1
if self.times > self.animation_max:
def start_animation(self):
self.start_animate = True
#create asteroids at the start of the game
if keys[K_SPACE]:
game_over = False
player = Space_Ship("space_ship.tga", screen)
asteroid_small = Asteroid(screen, "small")
asteroid_large = Asteroid(screen, "large")
asteroid_medium = Asteroid(screen, "medium")
asteroid_med_large = Asteroid(screen, "med_large")
asteroid_group.add(asteroid_small, asteroid_large, asteroid_medium, asteroid_med_large)
score = 0
#add asteroids after the game has started
if len(asteroid_group) < difficulty:
random_asteroid_number = random.randint(0,5)
if random_asteroid_number == 0:
#large asteroid
asteroid_large = Asteroid(screen, "large")
elif random_asteroid_number == 1:
#medium asteroid
asteroid_medium = Asteroid(screen, "medium")
elif random_asteroid_number == 2:
#medium large asteroid
asteroid_med_large = Asteroid(screen, "med_large")
elif random_asteroid_number == 3:
#small medium asteroid
asteroid_small_med = Asteroid(screen, "small_med")
elif random_asteroid_number == 4:
#small_1 asteroid
asteroid_small_1 = Asteroid(screen, "small_1")
#small asteroid
asteroid_small = Asteroid(screen, "small")
#bullet - asteroid collision
collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(bullet_group, asteroid_group, True, False)
if collisions != None:
for i in collisions.values():
for sprite in i:
if sprite == asteroid_large:
score += 3
elif sprite == asteroid_small_1 or sprite == asteroid_med_large or sprite == asteroid_medium or sprite == asteroid_small:
score += 1
score += 1