中的书签动态加载跨域 JavaScript 文件


  • 获取当前文件的路径
  • 当前网页和执行的JS文件的域不同
  • 解决方案应该是跨浏览器
  • 多个脚本可能会一次异步加载(这就是为什么下面提到的相关问题不适合的原因)

我想获取当前执行 JavaScript 代码的文件路径,以动态加载更多资源(更多 CSS 文件和 JS 文件,如自定义代码和 jQuery、jQuery UI 和 Ext JS 库),它们存储在与 JavaScript 相同/相对的文件夹中书签。


var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var src = scripts[scripts.length-1].src;
alert("THIS IS: "+src);



3 回答 3



var fnFullFilePathToFileParentPath = function(JSFullFilePath){
    var JSFileParentPath = '';
    if(JSFullFilePath) {
        JSFileParentPath = JSFullFilePath.substring(0,JSFullFilePath.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
    } else {
        JSFileParentPath = null;
    return JSFileParentPath;

var fnExceptionToFullFilePath = function(e){
    var JSFullFilePath = '';

    if(e.fileName) {    // firefox
        JSFullFilePath = e.fileName;
    } else if (e.stacktrace) {  // opera
        var tempStackTrace = e.stacktrace;
        tempStackTrace = tempStackTrace.substr(tempStackTrace.indexOf('http'));
        tempStackTrace = tempStackTrace.substr(0,tempStackTrace.indexOf('Dummy Exception'));
        tempStackTrace = tempStackTrace.substr(0,tempStackTrace.lastIndexOf(':'));
        JSFullFilePath = tempStackTrace;
    } else if (e.stack) {   // firefox, opera, chrome
            var str = e.stack;
            var tempStr = str;

            var strProtocolSeparator = '://';
            var idxProtocolSeparator = tempStr.indexOf(strProtocolSeparator)+strProtocolSeparator.length;

            var tempStr = tempStr.substr(idxProtocolSeparator);
            if(tempStr.charAt(0)=='/') {
                tempStr = tempStr.substr(1);

            var idxHostSeparator = tempStr.indexOf('/');
            tempStr = tempStr.substr(tempStr.indexOf('/'));

            var idxFileNameEndSeparator = tempStr.indexOf(':');
            var finalStr = (str.substr(0,idxProtocolSeparator + idxHostSeparator + idxFileNameEndSeparator));
            finalStr = finalStr.substr(finalStr.indexOf('http'));
            JSFullFilePath = finalStr;
    } else {    // internet explorer
        JSFullFilePath = null;

    return JSFullFilePath;

var fnExceptionToFileParentPath = function(e){
    return fnFullFilePathToFileParentPath(fnExceptionToFullFilePath(e));

var fnGetJSFileParentPath = function() {
    try {
        throw new Error('Dummy Exception');
    } catch (e) {
        return fnExceptionToFileParentPath(e);

var JSFileParentPath = fnGetJSFileParentPath();
alert('File parent path: ' + JSFileParentPath);
于 2013-01-06T21:19:42.973 回答
var s = document.createElement('script'); 
s.setAttribute('src', 'code.js'); 


var myScriptDir = 'http://somesite.tld/path-to-stuff/';
var s = document.createElement('script'); 
s.setAttribute('src', myScriptDir + 'code.js'); 
// code inside http://somesite.tld/path-to-stuff/code.js will use myScriptDir to load futher resources from the same directory.

If you don't want to have code inside the script to be responsible for loading further resources you can use the onload attribute of the script tag, like s.onload=function(){...}. For cross browser compatibility you might first load jQuery and then use the getScript function. Relevant links are http://www.learningjquery.com/2009/04/better-stronger-safer-jquerify-bookmarklet and http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getScript/

于 2013-01-07T08:38:07.097 回答

Some of the comments have already mentioned this, but I'll try to elaborate a bit more.

The simplest, most cross-browser, cross-domain way of figuring out the path of the current script is to hard-code the script's path into the script itself.

In general, you may be loading third-party script files, so this would not be possible. But in your case, all the script files are under your control. You're already adding code to load resources (CSS, JS, etc.), you might as well include the script path as well.

于 2013-01-12T08:27:56.867 回答