
class CAccountingMoneyPunctFacet : public std::moneypunct<char>
    virtual string_type do_curr_symbol() const      {return ")";}
    virtual char_type do_thousands_sep() const      {return ',';}
    virtual char_type do_decimal_point() const      {return '.';}
    virtual string_type do_positive_sign() const    {return "";}
    virtual string_type do_negative_sign() const    {return "(";}
    virtual string_type do_grouping() const         {return "\03";}
    virtual int do_frac_digits() const              {return 2;}

    virtual pattern do_pos_format() const
        pattern p;
        p.field[0] = value;
        p.field[1] = none;
        p.field[2] = none;
        p.field[3] = none;
        return p;

    virtual pattern do_neg_format() const
        pattern p;
        p.field[0] = sign;
        p.field[1] = value;
        p.field[2] = symbol;    // Very retarded C++ standard need to do this kind of a hack for negative numbers!
        p.field[3] = none;
        return p;

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(),new CAccountingMoneyPunctFacet));
    oss <<  std::put_money(1234567.23) << std::endl;
//      << (-1234567) << " " << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::showbase) << std::put_money(-12345678911.314159) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << oss.str();
return 0;

这段代码的问题是它打印出 12,345.67。这是非常糟糕的,因为它不仅丢失了小数,而且现在相差了 100 倍。我查看了 MSVC++ STL 实现并且非常困惑:

virtual _OutIt __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL do_put(_OutIt _Dest,
    bool _Intl, ios_base& _Iosbase, _Elem _Fill,
        long double _Val) const
    {   // put long double to _Dest
    bool _Negative = false;
    if (_Val < 0)
        _Negative = true, _Val = -_Val;

    size_t _Exp;
    for (_Exp = 0; 1e35 <= _Val && _Exp < 5000; _Exp += 10)
        _Val /= 1e10;   // drop 10 zeros before decimal point

    string_type _Val2;
    char _Buf[40];

    **int _Count = _CSTD sprintf_s(_Buf, sizeof (_Buf), "%.0Lf",**
        _Val);  // convert to chars

    for (int _Off = 0; _Off < _Count; ++_Off)
        _Val2.append((typename string_type::size_type)1,
            _MAKLOCCHR(_Elem, _Buf[_Off], _Cvt));   // convert chars
        _MAKLOCCHR(_Elem, '0', _Cvt));  // scale by trailing zeros

    return (_Putmfld(_Dest, _Intl, _Iosbase, _Fill, _Negative, _Val2));

观察一个函数,它需要一个双精度,但有一个 sprintf 可以去掉所有小数。在我重新发明轮子之前,我想在这里获得 C++ 专家的意见。


1 回答 1


这些都是 C++ 标准的直接要求:


参数单位被转换为宽字符序列,就好像ct.widen(buf1, buf1 + sprintf(buf1, "%.0Lf", units), buf2)[...] 模式是mp.pos_format().



小数点后所需的位数(如果有)正是 . 返回的值frac_digits()

最后, §[locale.moneypunct.virtuals]/6

int do_frac_digits() const;返回: 小数点分隔符后的位数(如果有)。[261]

261) 在常见的美国语言环境中,这是 2。


于 2012-12-29T07:08:25.703 回答