

    $friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends'); //list my friends
    $time_start = microtime(true);
    echo "<pre>";
    $i = 0; //counter of likes
    $b = 0; //counter of request in single batch API request
    $batch_max = 50 // facebook allows max 50 requests in single batch API call
    $page_id = '187941397895831'; //example page ID, i'm checking how many of my    friends like this page
    $batch = array(); //array used for creating batch API request
    $data = array(); //array collecting all API requests results
    foreach ($friends['data'] as $friend) {
        $req = array(
            'method' => 'GET',
            'relative_url' => '/'.$friend['id'].'/likes'
        $batch[] = json_encode($req);
        if ($b == 50) {
            $params = array(
                'batch' => '[' . implode(',',$batch) . ']'
            $data[] = $facebook->api('/', 'POST', $params);
            $b = 0;
            $batch = array();
    $params = array(
        'batch' => '[' . implode(',',$batch) . ']'
    $data[] = $facebook->api('/', 'POST', $params);
    foreach ($data as $data_set) { //iterate through results of each api request
        foreach ($data_set as $friend_likes) { //iterate through data of particular friend
            $likes_array = json_decode($friend_likes['body'], true);
            foreach ($likes_array['data'] as $single_like) { //iterate through all likes of a single friend
                if ($single_like['id'] == $page_id) { //if page id found in user's likes increase counter
    $time_end = microtime(true);
    $time = $time_end - $time_start;
    echo $time."\n";
    echo $i;
    echo "</pre>";

在最终版本中,我不会检查我的朋友,而是我每个用户的朋友。我的代码在 14 秒内执行,如果我必须迭代,比如说 100 个用户,那将是 1400 秒,这太长了。有更好的方法吗?我是 facebook API 的新手,所以我可能会错过一些明显的东西 :)


1 回答 1


好的,这是工作代码。您需要知道每个被检查用户的访问令牌。它在 ~0.6 秒内执行,而不是之前代码的 14 秒。

$queryResults = array();
$fql = "SELECT '' FROM page_fan WHERE page_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = '".$user->getFbId()."')";
$fql = urlencode($fql);

try {
    $queryResults = $facebook->api(
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {

if (!empty($queryResults)) {
于 2013-01-02T09:37:41.357 回答