
I have a SharePoint solution using a custom document library. I need a way to allow users to added documents, but I need to specify the file name based on strict naming conventions. I am currently trying to use a Sharepoint workflow, but there is some contention for document control. I was thinking I could write a ribbon button that would added the document, and immediately name it. It looks like ribbon buttons calls javascript, but I not sure how to create a new document using a Javascript function. Any suggestions or alternatives?


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您不需要使用 javascript 创建文档,您只需要编写一个自定义操作 [RibbonButton],该操作调用某个程序集中的方法,按照您的规则将新文档添加到所需的文档库中。如果您只能使用一组特定的规则添加文档,请确保禁用该自定义文档库上的“添加项目”按钮。

您应该查看此链接:http ://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/2010/01/customizing-ribbon-part-1-creating-tabs.html


于 2013-01-03T21:17:02.243 回答