you can get all the details about the problem from this pdf document: www.shaastra.org/2013/media/events/70/Tab/422/Modern_Warfare_ps_v1.pdf

how to recognize a zebra crossing from top view using opencv ?? it is not a straight zebra crossing it has some twists and turns i have some ideas, 1. parallel line detection but the available techniques only works to find straight parallel not the ones that has curve in it. 2. template matching to match a template of back to back white and black stripes but it becomes tedious since i cant find any pattern matching techniques with scaling and rotation.

in fact a idea on any single part of the problem will be so helpful!! it is driving me crazy someone please help!!!! any help is appreciated thanks in advance ....

NOTE: the zebra crossing i am talking about has the inside lines perpendicular to the border lines, just like a normal zebra crossing. only difference is that the path has curves like a river


2 回答 2


会将类似 Haar 的功能视为低级描述符。它在人脸检测中非常常用,但却是一种应用广泛的技术。



编辑: 我也非常同意@Algebra 的评论。使用霍夫变换,您可以获得线条的边缘。一定间隔的许多平行线应该是斑马线的强烈指示。

无论您探索哪种方法,您都需要使用机器学习技术进行模式识别,以最终决定斑马线的外观。您不想硬编码诸如“y 宽度和 z 长度的 x 平行线”之类的东西。

于 2012-12-26T14:49:28.197 回答



虽然这不是一个 opencv 实现,但它应该是一个合理的起点。

于 2012-12-26T14:10:24.397 回答