我想要类似于下图中的图形。我想实现类似于 cos/sin 的图形,但有一点随机性。图表不应超过(100)或低于(0)限制。如果没有随机性,我们可以编写如下函数:





5 回答 5


您可以简单地将一些 sin/cos 与随机系数和周期相​​加。


internal struct SineWave
    internal readonly double Amplitude;
    internal readonly double OrdinaryFrequency;
    internal readonly double AngularFrequency;
    internal readonly double Phase;
    internal readonly double ShiftY;

    internal SineWave(double amplitude, double ordinaryFrequency, double phase, double shiftY)
        Amplitude = amplitude;
        OrdinaryFrequency = ordinaryFrequency;
        AngularFrequency = 2 * Math.PI * ordinaryFrequency;
        Phase = phase;
        ShiftY = shiftY;

public class RandomCurve
    private SineWave[] m_sineWaves;

    public RandomCurve(int components, double minY, double maxY, double flatness)
        m_sineWaves = new SineWave[components];

        double totalPeakToPeakAmplitude = maxY - minY;
        double averagePeakToPeakAmplitude = totalPeakToPeakAmplitude / components;

        int prime = 1;
        Random r = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
            // from 0.5 to 1.5 of averagePeakToPeakAmplitude 
            double peakToPeakAmplitude = averagePeakToPeakAmplitude * (r.NextDouble() + 0.5d);

            // peak amplitude is a hald of peak-to-peak amplitude
            double amplitude = peakToPeakAmplitude / 2d;

            // period should be a multiple of the prime number to avoid regularities
            prime = Utils.GetNextPrime(prime);
            double period = flatness * prime;

            // ordinary frequency is reciprocal of period
            double ordinaryFrequency = 1d / period;

            // random phase
            double phase = 2 * Math.PI * (r.NextDouble() + 0.5d);

            // shiftY is the same as amplitude
            double shiftY = amplitude;

            m_sineWaves[i] =
                new SineWave(amplitude, ordinaryFrequency, phase, shiftY);

    public double GetY(double x)
        double y = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_sineWaves.Length; i++)
            y += m_sineWaves[i].Amplitude * Math.Sin(m_sineWaves[i].AngularFrequency * x + m_sineWaves[i].Phase) + m_sineWaves[i].ShiftY;

        return y;

internal static class Utils
    internal static int GetNextPrime(int i)
        int nextPrime = i + 1;
        for (; !IsPrime(nextPrime); nextPrime++) ;
        return nextPrime;

    private static bool IsPrime(int number)
        if (number == 1) return false;
        if (number == 2)  return true;

        for (int i = 2; i < number; ++i)
            if (number % i == 0) return false;

        return true;
于 2012-12-25T17:07:22.113 回答

所以这是一个用 C# 编写的代码,它可以通过随机输入值进行更多随机化。我只是给你一些带有值的输出,看看它是否适合你。可以针对余弦和正弦值修改 Amplite。最后添加偏移量(因此最小值始终为 0)并进行缩放以确保最大值为 100。如您所见,可以添加噪声(图 3、图 4)。

terr1: RandomTerrarain(1000, 4, 1, 10, 5, 0); 图1

terr2: RandomTerrarain(1000, 2, 3, -10, 5, 0); 图 2


      private static Random rnd = new Random();
    private double[] RandomTerrarain(int length, int sinuses, int cosinuses, double amplsin, double amplcos, double noise)
        if (length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", length, "Length must be greater than zero!");
        double[] returnValues = new double[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            // sin
            for (int sin = 1; sin <= sinuses; sin++)
                returnValues[i] += amplsin * Math.Sin((2 * sin * i * Math.PI) / (double)length);
            // cos
            for (int cos = 1; cos <= cosinuses; cos++)
                returnValues[i] += amplcos * Math.Cos((2 * cos * i * Math.PI) / (double)length);
            // noise
            returnValues[i] += (noise * rnd.NextDouble()) - (noise * rnd.NextDouble());
        // give offset so it be higher than 0
        double ofs = returnValues.Min();
        if (ofs < 0)
            ofs *= -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                returnValues[i] += ofs;
        // resize to be fit in 100
        double max = returnValues.Max();
        if (max >= 100)
            double scaler = max / 100.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                returnValues[i] /= scaler;
        return returnValues;
于 2012-12-25T17:54:06.007 回答

看看xkcd-style graphs,一种向图形添加随机噪声并以使其看起来像手绘的方式平滑它的方法,模仿xkcd 卡通的风格。虽然这不是您想要的,但我认为只需将输入图设置为零(例如 y=0)并将噪声平滑参数调整为更大的噪声幅度和更大的平滑距离可能会导致随机图的类型你正在寻找。

于 2013-11-21T11:16:22.870 回答


public static double GetCosFunction(double d)
     return Math.Cos(d) * 50 + 50;


于 2012-12-25T17:16:19.573 回答


terr3: RandomTerrarain(1000, 5, 5, -2, 5, 2); 图 3

terr4: RandomTerrarain(1000, 4, 1, 5, -20, 1); 图 4

于 2012-12-25T17:57:15.000 回答