Public Enum vehicleType
End Enum
Public Class TrafficSurveyA
' Declare the fields here.
Private fCars As Integer
Private fBicycles As Integer
Private fLorries As Integer
Public Sub New()
' An instance of TrafficSurveyA is created with all vehicle counts set to zero.
fCars = 0
fBicycles = 0
fLorries = 0
End Sub
Public Sub incrementCount(ByVal vehicle As vehicleType)
' Preconditions: none
' Postconditions: If vehicle is "Car", "Bicycle" or "Lorry" then 1 is added
' to the corresponding count. Otherwise nothing is done.
Select Case vehicle
Case vehicleType.Car : fCars = fCars + 1
Case vehicleType.Bicycle : fBicycles = fBicycles + 1
Case vehicleType.Lorry : fLorries = fLorries + 1
Case Else 'do nothing
End Select
End Sub
Public Function getCount(ByVal vehicle As vehicleType) As String
' Preconditions: none
' Postconditions: If vehicle is "Car", "Bicycle" or "Lorry", the string
' representation of the corresponding count is returned.
' Otherwise the empty string is returned.
Dim result As String
result = ""
Select Case vehicle
Case vehicleType.Car : result = Convert.ToString(fCars)
Case vehicleType.Bicycle : result = Convert.ToString(fBicycles)
Case vehicleType.Lorry : result = Convert.ToString(fLorries)
Case Else : result = ""
End Select
Return result
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property Vehicles() As String
' Preconditions: none
' Postconditions: The total number of vehicles recorded is returned.
Return (fCars + fBicycles + fLorries).ToString()
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class TrafficSurveyA
Enum vehicleType
End Enum
' Declare the fields here.
Private fCars As Integer
Private fBicycles As Integer
Private fLorries As Integer
Public Sub New()
' An instance of TrafficSurveyA is created with all vehicle counts set to zero.
fCars = 0
fBicycles = 0
fLorries = 0
End Sub
唯一的区别似乎是我需要使用 thisTrafficSurveyA.vehicleType.Lorry
而不是 this的 GUI 代码vehicleType.Lorry