
public function rules()
            // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
            return array(
                    array('name, password', 'required'),
                    array('password', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'confirm_password'), 
                    array('name', 'length', 'max'=>55),
                    // The following rule is used by search().
                    // Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
                    array('id, name', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),

尝试从 index.php 更新用户模型

`$post= User::model()->findByPk(1); $post->name='Abcdef'; $post->password='newpassword'; $post->save();`



2 回答 2



     public function rules()
        // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
        return array(
                array('name', 'required'),
                array('password', 'required','on'=>'create'),
                array('password', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'confirmpassword','on'=>'create'),
                array('name', 'length', 'max'=>55),
                // The following rule is used by search().
                // Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
                array('id, name', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
于 2013-01-02T07:47:26.470 回答
    public $confirmpassword;

    public function rules()
            // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
            return array(
                    array('name, password, confirmpassword', 'required'),
                    array('password', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'confirmpassword'), 
                    array('name', 'length', 'max'=>55),
                    // The following rule is used by search().
                    // Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
                    array('id, name', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
于 2013-01-02T06:17:13.227 回答