我正在尝试清理这段代码,想知道是否有人对如何在没有循环的情况下在 R 中运行它有任何建议。我有一个名为 data 的数据集,其中包含 100 个变量和 200,000 个观察值。我想要做的基本上是通过将每个观察值乘以特定的标量来扩展数据集,然后将数据组合在一起。最后,我需要一个包含 800,000 个观察值(我要创建四个类别)和 101 个变量的数据集。这是我写的一个循环,它可以做到这一点,但它的效率非常低,我想要更快更高效的东西。

datanew <- c()
for (i in 1:51){
  for (k in 1:6){
    for (m in 1:4){

      sub <- subset(data,data$var1==i & data$var2==k)

      sub[,4:(ncol(sub)-1)] <- filingstat0711[i,k,m]*sub[,4:(ncol(sub)-1)]

      sub$newvar <- m

      datanew <- rbind(datanew,sub)



下面是一些具有 2K 观测值而不是 200K 的样本数据

  mydf <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100 * 20e2), ncol=20e2, nrow=100))
  var1 <- c(sapply(seq(41), function(x) sample(1:51)))[1:20e2]
  var2 <- c(sapply(seq(2 + 20e2/6), function(x) sample(1:6)))[1:20e2]
  mydf <- cbind(var1, var2, round(mydf[3:100]*2.5, 2))
  filingstat0711 <- array(round(rnorm(51*6*4)*1.5 + abs(rnorm(2)*10)), dim=c(51,6,4))

1 回答 1


您可以尝试以下方法。请注意,我们将前两个 for 循环替换为对 lapply 的调用mapply,将第三个 for 循环替换为对 lapply 的调用。此外,我们正在创建两个向量,我们将组合它们以进行向量化乘法。

# create a table of the i-k index combinations using `expand.grid`
ixk <- expand.grid(i=1:51, k=1:6)

    # Take a look at what expand.grid does
    head(ixk, 60)

# create two vectors for multiplying against our dataframe subset
multpVec <- c(rep(c(0, 1), times=c(4, ncol(mydf)-4-1)), 0)
invVec   <- !multpVec

    # example of how we will use the vectors
    (multpVec * filingstat0711[1, 2, 1] + invVec)

# Instead of for loops, we can use mapply. 
newdf <- 
  mapply(function(i, k) 
    # The function that you are `mapply`ing is:
    # rbingd'ing a list of dataframes, which were subsetted by matching var1 & var2
    # and then multiplying by a value in filingstat
        # iterating over m
        lapply(1:4, function(m)
          # the cbind is for adding the newvar=m, at the end of the subtable

            # we transpose twice: first the subset to multiply our vector. 
            # Then the result, to get back our orignal form
            t( t(subset(mydf, var1==i & mydf$var2==k)) * 
              (multpVec * filingstat0711[i,k,m] + invVec)), 
          # this is an argument to cbind

    # the two lists you are passing as arguments are the columns of the expanded grid
    ixk$i, ixk$k, SIMPLIFY=FALSE

# flatten the data frame
newdf <- do.call(rbind, newdf)

  1. 尽量不要使用常用函数中的,,,等字眼在上面的data代码tabledf我用.submydfdata

  2. 您可以使用apply(ixk, 1, fu..)而不是mapply我使用的,但我认为 mapply 在这种情况下可以使代码更清晰

于 2012-12-23T05:58:20.123 回答