我正在尝试设置韵律以使用糖果在 https 上工作。我已尝试配置 SSL 和列出的所有步骤以使其正常工作,但由于某种原因,当我尝试超时时,韵律日志中出现以下内容: https://servername.com:5280/http-bind

server.lua: accepted new client connection from servername:23366 to 5280  
server.lua: accepted new client connection from servername:10667 to 5280  
server.lua: client servername:23366 read error: closed  
server.lua: closed client handler and removed socket from list  

当我尝试通过 http 做同样的事情时,它会起作用:结果是:“在我看来,你真的不像 BOSH 客户端......你想要什么?” http://servername.com:5280/http-bind


1 回答 1


注意:在最近的版本中,Prosody默认在 5281 端口上提供 HTTPS,因此该回复不再相关

您正在 http 端口上尝试 https。这行不通。您可能需要为该端口配置 SSL 或使用 SSL 设置另一个。设置 BOSH 服务器页面描述了如何执行此操作:

bosh_ports = {
                    port = 5280;
                    path = "http-bind";
                    port = 5281;
                    path = "http-bind";
                    ssl = {
                             key = "bosh.key";
                             certificate = "bosh.crt"; 
于 2012-12-24T19:33:05.060 回答