My goal is to build a framework, but hide some methods and properties from public headers
The point is that framework has everything built in, but different versions must have some properties and methods hidden
I am looking for some method either to delete some marked properties from built headers or to avoid them to be added during the build phase.
In my mind it should be something like this:
@interface MyClass
@property (strong, nonatomic) SomeClass1* instance1;
@property (strong, nonatomic) SomeClass2* instance2;
@property (strong, nonatomic) SomeClass3* instance3;
- (void) method1;
- (void) method2;
So if i set some predefined version value or project version value (doesn't really matter) to 1.0.2
then instance1, instance2 and method1 SHOULD BE in the framework headers, but
instance3 and method2 will be available only in version 1.0.3 or higher
Does anyone know how to do that?