I have to make a simple text based game using multi threading. I have chosen to do a guess my animal game. A server will pick a random animal and give out clues and the client has to guess what the animal is within three clues.
However, if the animal is guessed correct, the program just goes to the next clue. I dont understand where i have gone wrong?
The other problem is when the client says y to a new game, it just repeats the same animal. It won't change.
I know it is just the protocol class i need to fix. Please help! I have cried with frustration over this program.
Here is a copy of my protocol class:
public class KKProtocol {
private static final int WAITING = 0;
private static final int ASKNAME = 1;
private static final int SENTCLUE = 2;
private static final int SENTCLUE2 = 3;
private static final int SENTCLUE3 = 4;
private static final int ANOTHER = 5;
private static final int NUMANIMALS = 4;
private int state = WAITING;
private int currentAnimal = (int) (Math.random() * 6); // number of first joke
private String[] clues = {"I like to play", "I like to scratch", "I eat salad", "I annoy you in the morning"};
private String[] clues2 = {"Love walks", "House pet", "garden pet", "I fly everywhere"};
private String[] clues3 = {"Woof", "Meow", "I live in a hutch", "Tweet Tweet"};
private String[] answers = {"Dog",
private String[] name = {};
public String processInput(String theInput) {
String theOutput = null;
// System.out.println("Welcome to my animal guessing game");
if (state == WAITING) {
theOutput = clues[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 1....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = clues2[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE2;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE2) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 2....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = clues3[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE3;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE3) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 3....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = ("it's" + answers[currentAnimal] + " you fool! Want to play again? (y/n)");
state = ANOTHER;
} else if (state == ANOTHER) {
if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
if (currentAnimal == (NUMANIMALS - 1)) {
currentAnimal = 0;
theOutput = clues[currentAnimal];
// else
state = SENTCLUE;
} else {
theOutput = "Bye.";
state = WAITING;
return theOutput;
If you need to see the other classes please just ask.