I have a form with labels and other components, picture boxes, panels, etc.. When I am doing Form.enabled = false; (because I have another form on top of it) the labels are not showing even though the visibility of the components is set to true; Any ideas?

I didn't include code because I'm not sure what to include!

Thanks for any help!

Edit: After what Joel Etherton said, I tried using this event:

private void label1_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      label1.Visible = true;

This is giving me a StackOverflowException.. maybe this is infinitely trying to override the parent control visibility.. What can I do please?


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检查元素的父对象(并在树上跟踪它)。通常这是由将父级设置为Visible = false;. 特定控件的可见性设置仍将注册为true,但当页面实际呈现时,它将停止在可见性为 false 的任何父级别生成控件。


private static void SetAllParentVisibility(bool visible, Control ctrl)
    ctrl.Visible = visible;
    if (ctrl.Parent != null)
        SetAllParentVisibility(visible, ctrl.Parent);


于 2012-12-18T15:16:34.857 回答