我使用带有经典 asp 和 XML 的世界天气在线实现了一个天气小部件,一切似乎都运行良好,但我想知道是否有人知道如何更改图标?
Function getweather(city)
Dim tempC, wDesc, wIcon, currentWeather
Dim wDate, wHigh, wLow, extWeather
url = "http://free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/weather.ashx?q=" & city & ",Canada&format=xml&num_of_days=4&key=********"
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", url, false
xmlhttp.send ""
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXML.async = false
objXML.loadxml xmlhttp.responseText
set x = objXML.getElementsByTagName("current_condition")
if x.length = 0 then
retStr = "Error"
for i = 0 to x.item(0).childNodes.length - 1
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "temp_C" then
tempC = x.item(0).childNodes(i).text & "°C"
end if
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "weatherDesc" then
wDesc = x.item(0).childNodes(i).text
end if
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "weatherIconUrl" then
wIcon = "<img class='wIcon' src=" & x.item(0).childNodes(i).text & " height=45 width=45>"
end if
currentWeather = "<div id='curWeather'><span class='city'>" & city & "</span>" & wIcon & "<div class='tempC'>" & tempC & "<br />" & wDesc & "</div>" & "<a href='#' class='clrWeather' title='Clear weather information'><img src='images/clrweather.gif' alt='Clear weather information' /></a><div style='clear: both;'> </div></div>"
'Extended weather
extWeather = "<div class='extWeather'>"
set y = objXML.getElementsByTagName("weather")
for i = 0 to y.length - 1
for j = 0 to y.item(i).childNodes.length - 1
select case y.item(i).childNodes(j).nodeName
Case "date"
wDate = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text
wDate = "<div class='ewDate'>" & WeekdayName(Weekday(wDate), true) & "</div>"
Case "weatherDesc"
wDesc = "<div class='ewDesc'>" & y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "</div>"
Case "weatherIconUrl"
wIcon = "<img class='ewIcon' src=" & y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & " height=20 width=20>"
Case "tempMaxC"
wHigh = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "°"
Case "tempMinC"
wLow = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "°"
end select
extWeather = extWeather & "<div class='extCol'>" & wDate & wIcon & "<div class='wHigh'>" & wHigh & " / " & wLow & "</div>" & wDesc & "</div>"
extWeather = extWeather & "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div>"
retStr = currentWeather & extWeather
end if
set objXML = nothing
set xmlhttp = nothing
getweather = retStr
End function
Function getCities
getCities = "<option value=-1>Select city for weather info</option>" & _
"<optgroup label='ONTARIO'><option value='BARRIE'>BARRIE</option>" & _
"<option value='BRAMPTON'>BRAMPTON</option>" & _
"<option value='CAMBRIDGE'>CAMBRIDGE</option><option value='HAMILTON'>HAMILTON</option><option value='KINGSTON'>KINGSTON</option><option value='LONDON'>LONDON</option><option value='ORILLIA'>ORILLIA</option><option value='OTTAWA'>OTTAWA</option><option value='OWEN SOUND'>OWEN SOUND</option><option value='PETERBOROUGH'>PETERBOROUGH</option><option value='SOUTH PORCUPINE'>SOUTH PORCUPINE</option><option value='SAINT CATHARINES'>ST. CATHARINES</option><option value='SUDBURY'>SUDBURY</option><option value='THUNDER BAY'>THUNDER BAY</option><option value='TIMMINS'>TIMMINS</option><option value='WINDSOR'>WINDSOR</option><optgroup label='NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR'><option value='CORNER BROOK'>CORNER BROOK</option>"
End Function