如下所示;我怎样才能实现 fx.ftf_validitystartdate= ... 这条线的价值,因为 oracle 不允许我在下面这样做。

    select * from  acc_accounts acc
    join kp_paramcore p on
    acc.account_no = p.accountnum
    acc.suffix = p.suffixc
         LEFT JOIN ftf_rates fx
              ON p.maturestart = fx.ftf_vadealtsinir
             AND p.maturefinish = fx.ftf_vadeustsinir
             AND fx.statusrec = 'A'
             AND fx.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod
             AND fx.status= 'A' 
  and  fx.ftf_validitystartdate= (SELECT MAX(ff.ftf_validitystartdate)
                                               FROM ftf_rates ff
                                              WHERE ff.status = 'A'
                                                AND ff.statusrec = 'A'
                                                AND v_CurrentDate BETWEEN ff.systemstartdate AND ff.systemfinishdate                                            AND ff.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod

2 回答 2



select *
from acc_accounts acc join
     kp_paramcore p
     on acc.account_no = p.accountnum and
        acc.suffix = p.suffixc LEFT JOIN
     ftf_rates fx
     ON p.maturestart = fx.ftf_vadealtsinir and
        p.maturefinish = fx.ftf_vadeustsinir and
        fx.statusrec = 'A' and
        fx.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod and
        fx.status= 'A'
 where fx.ftf_validitystartdate= (SELECT MAX(ff.ftf_validitystartdate)
                                 FROM ftf_rates ff
                                 WHERE ff.status = 'A' and
                                       ff.statusrec = 'A'
                                       p.v_CurrentDate BETWEEN ff.systemstartdate AND ff.systemfinishdate                                            AND ff.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod

但是,您失去了“左外连接”特征,因此您还需要添加: or fx.ftf_validitystartdate is null。我猜 v_CurrentDate 来自“p”。在列名之前使用表别名总是一个好主意。


    ON p.maturestart = fx.ftf_vadealtsinir and
       p.maturefinish = fx.ftf_vadeustsinir and
       fx.statusrec = 'A' and
       fx.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod and
       fx.status= 'A'and
       p.v_CurrentDate BETWEEN fx.systemstartdate AND fx.systemfinishdate
于 2012-12-17T14:39:38.030 回答

我使用 CTE 发布了解决方法,并且仅在 Oracle 11g 中进行了测试。


create table t_a ( a int );
create table t_b ( a int);
create table t_c ( a int);

insert into t_a values (1);
insert into t_a values (2);
insert into t_a values (3);

insert into t_b values (1);
insert into t_b values (2);
insert into t_b values (3);

insert into t_c values (1);
insert into t_c values (2);
insert into t_c values (3);


select * 
from t_a
left outer join t_b
  on t_a.a = t_b.a and
     t_b.a = ( select max( a )
             from t_c);

现在我用 CTE 重写查询:

with cte (a ) as (
   select a
   from t_b
   where t_b.a = ( select min( a )
             from t_c)
select * 
from t_a
left outer join cte
  on t_a.a = cte.a;


我用 CTE 重写了您的查询:

with CTE as (
   select * from ftf_rates 
   where ftf_validitystartdate= (SELECT MAX(ff.ftf_validitystartdate)
                                 FROM ftf_rates ff
                                 WHERE ff.status = 'A'
                                      AND ff.statusrec = 'A'
                                      AND v_CurrentDate BETWEEN ff.systemstartdate 
                                      AND ff.systemfinishdate                   
                                      AND ff.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod )

    select * from  acc_accounts acc
    join kp_paramcore p on
    acc.account_no = p.accountnum
    acc.suffix = p.suffixc
         LEFT JOIN CTE fx
              ON p.maturestart = fx.ftf_vadealtsinir
             AND p.maturefinish = fx.ftf_vadeustsinir
             AND fx.statusrec = 'A'
             AND fx.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod
             AND fx.status= 'A' 

注意,仅在 Oracle 11g 中测试。见@a_horse_with_no_name 评论:

@danihp:CTE 早在 Oracle 11g 之前就已经可用(我认为它们可能更早在 9.1 中引入 - 但它们肯定在 10.x 中可用)。11.2 引入了在这种情况下不需要的递归 CTE。——</p>

于 2012-12-17T20:34:57.570 回答