如下所示;我怎样才能实现 fx.ftf_validitystartdate= ... 这条线的价值,因为 oracle 不允许我在下面这样做。
select * from acc_accounts acc
join kp_paramcore p on
acc.account_no = p.accountnum
acc.suffix = p.suffixc
LEFT JOIN ftf_rates fx
ON p.maturestart = fx.ftf_vadealtsinir
AND p.maturefinish = fx.ftf_vadeustsinir
AND fx.statusrec = 'A'
AND fx.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod
AND fx.status= 'A'
and fx.ftf_validitystartdate= (SELECT MAX(ff.ftf_validitystartdate)
FROM ftf_rates ff
WHERE ff.status = 'A'
AND ff.statusrec = 'A'
AND v_CurrentDate BETWEEN ff.systemstartdate AND ff.systemfinishdate AND ff.currencycode = acc.currencsw_kod