
I have a WCF service that hosted in windows services. I'm trying to call the service from the code, when i'm in visual studio everything works fine, but if i'm closing visual studio and run the application from bin/debug/MyApp.exe i'm getting an exception )it can't find the service). what should I do in order to call window service? Thank you all...


1 回答 1


Fix your programming error.

Simple, isn't it?

THat is about the only answer that is suitable for your question - you totally fail to give even a baseline Explanation.

I would look into

  • Errors that happen in in the Service. Maybe the WCF Service is NOT hosted when starting outside visual Studio?
  • Reading skills - targttted epecially at the exception you get, which seriously also includes a stack trace.
  • Getting some nice Story telling skills. We all like you to tell nice stories, for example how the servie is configured, the relevant lines of code where you actually set it up.
于 2012-12-16T10:58:12.370 回答