我已经创建了建筑物平面图的图像地图。现在我想存储图像的映射部分,每个映射都有其唯一的 id。然后将ID存储到mysql数据库表中。这样我就可以通过从数据库表中指定其位置 ID 来突出显示(或放置标记)图像的一部分。


1 回答 1


This requirement can certainly be met.

In summary, the component parts of the application will be something like this :

  • Storage of user data: database
  • Storage of map area coordinates: database
  • Retrieval of user data and map coordinates from database: PHP*/SQL
  • Composition of document (including image maps): PHP*
  • Client-server communication: (jQuery) AJAX
  • Area highlighting: (jQuery) MapHighlight plugin

 * typically

You really need to have a go at writing some code, then ask again when you run into difficulty.

于 2012-12-16T11:09:24.040 回答