function C = convolve_slow(A,B)
(file name is accordingly convolve_slow.m )
This routine performs convolution between an image A and a mask B.
Input: A - a grayscale image (values in [0,255])
B - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) serves as a mask in the convolution.
Output: C - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) - the output of the convolution.
C is the same size as A.
Method: Convolve A with mask B using zero padding. Assume the origin of B is at
Do NOT use matlab convolution routines (conv,conv2,filter2 etc).
Make the routine as efficient as possible: Restrict usage of for loops which are expensive (use matrix multiplications and matlab routines such as dot etc).
To simplify and reduce ifs, you should pad the image with zeros before starting your convolution loop.
Do not assume the size of A nor B (B might actually be larger than A sometimes).
function [ C ] = convolve_slow( A,B )
%This routine performs convolution between an image A and a mask B.
% Input: A - a grayscale image (values in [0,255])
% B - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) serves as a mask in the convolution.
% Output: C - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) - the output of the convolution.
% C is the same size as A.
% Method: Convolve A with mask B using zero padding. Assume the origin of B is at floor(size(B)/2)+1.
% init C to size A with zeros
C = zeros(size(A));
% make b xy-reflection and vector
vectB = reshape(flipdim(flipdim(B,1),2)' ,[] , 1);
% padding A with zeros
paddedA = padarray(A, [floor(size(B,1)/2) floor(size(B,2)/2)]);
% Loop over A matrix:
for i = 1:size(A,1)
for j = 1:size(A,2)
startAi = i;
finishAi = i + size(B,1) - 1;
startAj = j;
finishAj = j + size(B,2) - 1;
vectPaddedA = reshape(paddedA(startAi :finishAi,startAj:finishAj)',1,[]);
C(i,j) = vectPaddedA* vectB;
因为我是图像处理和 Matlab 的新手。你能帮我优化代码吗,特别是基于矩阵的操作。可以不使用循环吗?