
对AS3完全陌生,还在学习绳索,所以请多多包涵!我正在尝试使用 ActionScript 3.0 制作一个游戏,该游戏将显示 5 只蚱蜢在舞台上以随机位置跳跃。我尝试使用 TweenLite 和 TweenMax 补间引擎无济于事。很可能我做错了,但我现在不知道该去哪里。任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

编辑:我试图让 TweenMax CirclePath2D 影响蚱蜢的各个实例。我尝试将适用的代码放入“操作”面板本身,但它返回此错误:1020:方法标记覆盖必须覆盖另一个方法;和错误 1024:覆盖未标记为覆盖的函数。


import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

TweenMax.to(GrassHopper, 0.25, {bezierThrough:[{x:253, y:139}, {x:272, y:335}], ease:Back.easeIn});




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Well first off, you need to refer to specific objects rather than the overall class, so where you wrote 'Grasshopper' you want a reference to grassHopper1. Then loop through all your grasshoppers to set tweens on them.

For randomizing the locations, use Math.random(). So instead of writing x:253 write something like x:Math.random()*253

For continuously hopping around, TweenMax gives an onComplete parameter you can use to call a function when the tween completes. So put onComplete:setHops in the tween and do all the tweening in the setHops() function (ie. have the function call itself)

于 2012-12-14T20:39:00.057 回答