我们可以通过编写一个生成 Z3 表达式的 Python 程序来实现这一点。我们在这个程序中使用 Python 循环和列表(我们也可以使用数组),但是这些列表包含 Z3“符号”表达式而不是 Python 值。结果列表d
是包含 的 Z3 表达式列表b
。然后,我们要求 Z3 找到一个b
使得 的元素d
from z3 import *
def str2array(a):
Convert a string into a list of Z3 bit-vector values of size 8
return [ BitVecVal(int(a[x].encode('hex'), 16), 8) for x in range(len(a)) ]
a = str2array("\xff\x33\x01\x88\x02\x11\x03\x55")
# 'a' is a list of Z3 bitvector constants.
print "a:", a
# The elements of 'a' may look like Python integers but they are Z3 expressions.
# We can use the method sexpr() to get these values in SMT 2.0 syntax.
print [ a_i.sexpr() for a_i in a ]
# b is a Z3 symbolic variable.
b = BitVec('b', 8)
# We compute a list 'c' of Z3 expressions from 'a' and 'b'.
# We use Python list comprehensions but we can also use a for-loop.
c = [ a_i ^ b for a_i in a ]
print "c:", c
second = '\x23\x23'
# We convert 'second' in a Z3 bit-vector value of size 16
second = BitVecVal(int(second.encode('hex'), 16), 16)
print "second:", second
# The Z3 operation Concat concatenates two or more bit-vector expressions.
d = []
x = 0
while x < len(c):
# c[x] is a Bit-vector of size 8, second is a Bit-vector of size 16.
# In Z3, we have to do the "casting" ourselves.
# We use ZeroExt(8, c[x]) to convert c[x] into a Bit-vector of size 16,
# by adding 0-bits.
d.append(ZeroExt(8, c[x]) ^ second)
x += 2
print "d:", d
goal = str2array('\xbd\x23\x43\x23\x40\x23\x41\x23')
print "goal:", goal
# Note that, len(goal) == 2*len(d)
# We can use Concat to concatenate adjacent elements.
# We want each element of d[i] == Concat(goal[2*i], goal[2*i+1])
# We can use Z3 to find the 'b' that will satisfy these constraints
s = Solver()
# 's' is a Z3 solver object
i = 0
while i < len(d):
s.add(d[i] == Concat(goal[2*i+1], goal[2*i]))
i += 1
print s
# Now, 's' contains a set of equational constraints.
print s.check()
print s.model()