最近有人要求我更改我制作的一个小型 Flash 应用程序,以使用外部回调而不是使用嵌入式按钮。
* Add an External callback for all PUBLIC methods that listen to 'listenerType' in 'listenersHolder'.
* @param listenersHolder - the class that holds the listeners we want to expose.
* @param listenerType - a String with the name of the event type we want to replace with the external callback.
public static function addCallbacksForListeners(listenersHolder:*, listenerType:String):void
// get the holder description
var description:XML = describeType(listenersHolder);
// go over the methods
for each(var methodXML:XML in description..method)
// go over the methods parameters
for each(var parameterXML:XML in methodXML..parameter)
// look for the requested listener type
var parameterType:String = parameterXML.@type;
if (parameterType.indexOf(listenerType) > -1)
var methodName:String = methodXML.@name;
trace("Found: " + methodName);
// get the actual method
var method:Function = listenersHolder[methodName];
// add the callback
ExternalInterface.addCallback(methodName, method);
trace("A new callback was added for " + methodName);
catch (err:Error)
trace("Error adding callback for " + methodName);
在使用此功能之前,我必须将侦听器的功能更改为公共,添加 null 默认参数,当然还有删除/隐藏视觉效果。
私有函数 onB1Click(e:MouseEvent):void
至 :
公共函数 onB1Click(e:MouseEvent = null):void
将此行添加到 init/onAddedToStage 函数:
addCallbacksForListeners(this, "MouseEvent");