可以使用 XAML 在 DirectX Windows Store 游戏中构建矢量(可缩放)丰富的 UI(带有包含按钮、列表框等的表单)吗?


1 回答 1


Yes, you can use XAML and DirectX together in a Windows Store app. Here is an article explaining DirectX and XAML interop and another article from the Windows 8 app developer blog.

In summary, your options are:

  1. You can use the SurfaceImageSource XAML type to add areas of DirectX content to a Metro style XAML app.
  2. You can use VirtualSurfaceImageSource for large-scale DirectX content + XAML UI.
  3. You can use SwapChainBackgroundPanel for DirectX with a XAML overlay.
于 2012-12-11T17:52:10.803 回答