我在让我的标题图像正确流动时遇到了一些问题。这是一个响应式 WP 主题。

这是我想要实现的设计。(我现在不担心社交图标): http ://screencast.com/t/0xJuqKuteU

首先,我需要带有红色背景的消息栏在徽标下方和横幅之外流动,如下所示:http ://screencast.com/t/CZ4DkbRA50R

然后对于横幅和消息栏,当屏幕缩小到手机大小时,我需要它们更好地工作。这就是我需要它在手机上看的方式:http: //screencast.com/t/z5BQ7zB4


这是我正在开发的网站:http: //dev.frugalreality.com



2 回答 2


To make the message bar "float" underneath the logo, you need to set the containing div css (#header-callout) to have position:relative; and set the z-index to something negative (z-index: -1 should do). This creates a layering in the divs and puts the message bar below all other divs (unless you set something else to a lower z-index).

For displaying things differently on the iPhone screen size I would suggest using a media-query. If you don't know how to use those, I suggest browsing through this article to get a better idea of what I mean: http://css-tricks.com/css-media-queries/

In order to NOT display the message bar, you will have to put display:none for the #header-callout in the css of the appropriate media-query.

于 2012-12-11T04:28:48.240 回答

拥有一个屏幕 CSS 和媒体/电话 CSS 页面应该有助于管理这两个不同的屏幕。

于 2012-12-11T04:41:16.933 回答