我正在使用 Emgu CV 2.4.2 并希望执行以下算法:

  1. 获取 blob
  2. 设置 ROI 以加快计算速度
  3. 从 blob 中获取局部最小值的像素位置
  4. 划分blob
  5. 将边界矩形绘制成分割的斑点

我已经完成了步骤 1-2 并使用 BGStatModel 提取了 blob。这是我得到的结果:




我试图通过检查 blob 区域中的每个像素来获取局部最小值的像素位置,但这会使我的应用程序运行得非常慢。这是我的代码:

Point minPix = new Point(0,0);

//copy the foreground frame
Image<Gray, Byte> foreFrame_copy = foreFrame.Copy();

//find the contour
Contour<Point> contours = foreFrame.FindContours(

//looping every contour
while (contours != null)
    double PPixel = contours.Area;
    if (PPixel >= 1400)
        //get the contour width
        WR = contours.BoundingRectangle.Width;
        //divide the contour using estimated pixel position
        Num = Convert.ToInt32(WR / 40);

    if (Num > 1)
        //save the estimated pixel position for ROI in arraylist
        ArrayList XList = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 1; i <= Num; i++)
            int x = i * WR / Num;

        //get the estimated pixel position 
        foreach (int pos in Xlist)
            //roiWidth= 10px
            int roiWidth = (pos-5) + (pos+5);
            //roiHeight= 20px
            int roiHeight = 20;

            int pixValue = 0;
            //STEP 2: set the ROI to speed up computation
            foreFrame_copy.ROI = new Rectangle(contours.BoundingRectangle.X, contours.BoundingRectangle.Y, roiWidth, roiHeight);
            for (int i = (pos-5); i < roiWidth; i++)
                for (int j = (pos-5); j < (pos+5); j++)
                    pixValue = foreFrame_copy.Data[i, j, 0];
                    //find the white pixel
                    if (pixValue == 255) {
                        //find the position of minimum pixel
                        if (j < j-1) {
                        minPix.X = i;
                        minPix.Y = j;


    //draw the red rectangle
    estimatedFrame.Draw(contours.BoundingRectangle, new Bgr(Color.Red), 1);
    contours = contours.HNext;
    contours = contours.HNext;
//show frame in framebox
blobBox.Image = foreFrame_copy;
estimatedBox.Image = estimatedFrame;

请帮助我如何使用 Emgu CV 以最快的方式执行步骤 2-5。如果有人详细说明这三个步骤和一些代码,我将不胜感激。



1 回答 1


好的,所以问题现在变得更加清楚。我个人同意 mmgp 用户的观点,因为缺乏通用性,您作为参考的论文并不是那么好。它是针对一个非常特殊的场景进行编码的,并且对受控环境进行了一些强有力的假设。


   private void ComputeProjections(Image<Bgr, byte> inputImage)
        Image<Gray, Byte> inputGrayImage = inputImage.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
        Matrix<float> imgMatHorizontal = new Matrix<float>(inputGrayImage.Height, 1, 1);
        Matrix<float> imgMatVertical = new Matrix<float>(1, inputGrayImage.Width, 1);

        inputGrayImage.Reduce<float>(imgMatHorizontal, REDUCE_DIMENSION.SINGLE_COL, REDUCE_TYPE.CV_REDUCE_AVG);
        inputGrayImage.Reduce<float>(imgMatVertical, REDUCE_DIMENSION.SINGLE_ROW, REDUCE_TYPE.CV_REDUCE_AVG);
        double minH, maxH, minV, maxV;
        Point minLocH, maxLocH, minLocV, maxLocV;
        imgMatHorizontal.MinMax(out minH, out maxH, out minLocH, out maxLocH);
        imgMatVertical.MinMax(out minV, out maxV, out minLocV, out maxLocV);

        Image<Gray, Byte> maskProvaH = new Image<Gray, byte>(new Size((int)(maxH - minH + 1), imgMatHorizontal.Rows));
        Image<Gray, Byte> maskProvaV = new Image<Gray, byte>(new Size(imgMatVertical.Cols, (int)(maxV - minV + 1)));

        for (int i = 0; i < imgMatHorizontal.Rows; i++)
            maskProvaH.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF((float)(imgMatHorizontal[i, 0] - minH), i), 1f), new Gray(255), 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < imgMatVertical.Cols; i++)
            maskProvaV.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(i, (float)(imgMatVertical[0, i] - minV)), 1f), new Gray(255), 1);

        inputImage.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(minLocV.X, minLocH.Y), 2), new Bgr(Color.Green), 1);
        //imageBoxProjected.Image = inputGrayImage;
        imageBoxHorizProj.Image = maskProvaH;
        //imageBoxVerticProj.Image = maskProvaV;



List<Point> localMaxima = new List<Point>();
        imgMatHorizontal.MinMax(out minH, out maxH, out minLocH, out maxLocH);

        Image<Gray, Byte> maskProvaH = new Image<Gray, byte>(new Size((int)(maxH - minH + 1), imgMatHorizontal.Rows));
        for (int i = 0; i < imgMatHorizontal.Rows; i++)
            maskProvaH.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF((float)(imgMatHorizontal[i, 0] - minH), i), 1f), new Gray(255), 1);

        //// Absolute Horizontal Projection Maxima Drawing
        //inputGrayImage.Draw(new Cross2DF(new PointF(maxLocH.X, maxLocH.Y), 2, 2), new Gray(255), 2);

        // Local maximas search
        for (int i = imgMatHorizontal.Rows - 2; i > 1; i--)
            float prev = imgMatHorizontal[i + 1, 0];
            float curr = imgMatHorizontal[i, 0];
            float next = imgMatHorizontal[i - 1, 0];
            if (curr >= prev && curr >= next)
                localMaxima.Add(new Point((int)curr, i));

此代码来自我的一个 youtube 演示:



于 2012-12-12T20:38:12.747 回答