
I need help with a project. I need to create 2 templates for an aplicattion (10.1 inch tablet), but I just need to give to the developer de PSD templates of it, he will do the rest of the work (programing). So the question is, in what resolution I need to give him these templates? any "safe" area (for menu navigation)?, minimu size for buttons?any other tip? Thank you for your time.



1 回答 1


No safe area. Buttons should be at least 44px on 44px. Resolution is different in different devices, check this out: http://webdev-il.blogspot.co.il/2011/03/web-design-for-mobile-screen-sizes.html

Here is a great guide for mobile design: http://mobile.smashingmagazine.com/2012/07/12/elements-mobile-user-experience/

Good luck!

于 2012-12-11T16:26:13.337 回答