I'have done a similar project with ARM-based controllers instead on BeagleBone : feel free to ask me questions by commentaries.
Firstly, technically your BeagleBones are servers - since they ran a daemon service which is event triggered - and PC are clients. (but it is just pendantry)
Secondly, due to the limitations of embedded devices, I was not able to have an efficient Web server running on servers, so the choice was simple. I would advise you to stick with socket programming, but adding network services such as DCHP , support of TCP/UDP/UDP multicast, ping, echo, ...
Finally, the important question in terms of performance is the following :
what's the physical layer of communication ?
Ethernet ? Wifi ? Bluetooth/ZigBee ? I2C/CAN/... ?
I will guess it's Ethernet : IEEE 802.11 protocol doesn't scale well because of CSMA ( see here http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSMA ). If you want to have several devices (dozens), you will need switches/routers to encapsulate sub-networks to avoid network congestion.