我正在尝试将 oracle 过程调用的 out 参数转换为对象。它不起作用,因为 - 据我了解 - 我需要定义一个映射,它告诉方法如何投射它。如果地图是空的或未正确填充,则默认为 STRUCT 类型的 Objekt - 这在我的情况下是错误的。
-- Procedure in database
PROCEDURE myprocedure (
inputParam IN VARCHAR2 (4),
outputOne OUT outputOneSQLType
outputTwo OUT outputTwoSQLType);
-- inside of a package
inside a package mypackage
-- first type
create or replace
TYPE outputOneSQLType IS TABLE OF tableOneExample
-- table of type
create or replace
TYPE tableOneExample AS OBJECT (
somethingOne VARCHAR2 (4)
,somethingTwo NUMBER (12)
//java from here
import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
import oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleTypeADT;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection oracleConn = (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection) con.getMetaData().getConnection();
final OracleCallableStatement storedProc = (OracleCallableStatement)oracleConn.prepareCall("{call mypackage.myprocedure("+
":inputParam, :outputOne, :outputTwo)}");
storedProc.setString("inputParam", "SomeValue");
storedProc.registerOutParameter("outputOne", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "OUTPUTONESQLTYPE");
storedProc.registerOutParameter("outputTwo", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "OUTPUTTWOSQLTYPE");
//So far so good
//now I am lost - I need to define the map to get the object?
//What should be inside the map?
Hashtable newMap = new Hashtable();
newMap.put("outputOneSQLType", ?????.class);
//If the map is empty, it defaults to STRUCT...
final STRUCT myObject = (STRUCT)storedProc.getObject("somethingOne",newMap);
// myObject.getBytes() gives me an object... but I cannot cast it to anything
final MyClass myObject = (MyClass)storedProc.getObject("somethingOne",newMap);
编辑 1
oracle 数据库中的条目不能更改。我只是被允许使用它们。为此
stmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.ARRAY, "OUTPUTONESQLTYPE");
不起作用。因为只要我不使用“OracleTypes.STRUCT”就会引发异常。似乎在 outputOneSQLType 内部有一个“OracleTypeCOLLECTION”类型的对象
Hashtable newMap = new Hashtable();
final OracleTypeCOLLECTION myObject = (OracleTypeCOLLECTION)storedProc.getObject("somethingOne",newMap);
我得到一个例外:InstantiationException: oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleTypeCOLLECTION
@DazzaL:我将尝试定义一个 SQLDATA 接口。也许这将是解决方案
- 准备好的语句应该类似于“begin package.procedure(...); end;” 而不是“{call package.procedure(...)})
- 需要一个 SQLData 接口。