import sys, random
LENGTH = 10000
tran_matrix = {'a': {'a':0.495,'c':0.113,'g':0.129,'t':0.263},
'c': {'a':0.129,'c':0.063,'g':0.413,'t':0.395},
't': {'a':0.213,'c':0.495,'g':0.263,'t':0.029},
'g': {'a':0.263,'c':0.129,'g':0.295,'t':0.313}}
initial_p = {'a':0.25,'c':0.25,'t':0.25,'g':0.25}
def choose(dist):
r = random.random()
sum = 0.0
keys = dist.keys()
for k in keys:
sum += dist[k]
if sum > r:
return k
return keys[-1]
def new_probs(precision=2):
Generate a dictionary of random transition frequencies, of the form
probs = []
total_prob = 0
# Choose a random probability p1 from a uniform distribution in
# the range (0, 1), then choose p2 in the range (0, 1 - p1), etc.
for i in range(3):
up_to = 1 - total_prob
p = round(random.uniform(0, up_to), precision)
total_prob += p
# Final probability is 1 - (sum of first 3 probabilities)
probs.append(1 - total_prob)
# Assign randomly to bases
# If you don't shuffle the order of the bases each time, 't'
# would end up with consistently lower probabilities
bases = ['a', 'c', 'g', 't']
new_prob_dict = {}
for base, prob in zip(bases, probs):
new_prob_dict[base] = prob
return new_prob_dict
c = choose(initial_p)
for i in range(LENGTH):
if i % CHANGE_EVERY == 0:
dice_roll = random.random()
if dice_roll < CHANGE_PROB:
for base in tran_matrix:
# Generate a new probability dictionary for each
# base in the transition matrix
tran_matrix[base] = new_probs()
c = choose(tran_matrix[c])