
关键字框在 t2.text 上,文本来自 bx2.text




    private void searchs()
        var spattern = t2.Text;

        foreach(var s in bx2.Text)
            var zxc = s.ToString();
            if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(zxc, spattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
               bx2.Text.Replace(bx2.Text, @"<span class=""search-highlight"">$0</span>");

2 回答 2


链接的问题使用 HTML 格式,您不能在常规文本框中使用该格式。

您需要一个 RichText 框。在那里,您可以使用控件的方法和属性(不使用 HTML)格式化文本。

或者使用浏览器控件而不是文本框来使用 HTML 格式。

于 2012-12-09T16:44:11.447 回答
private void findButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int count = 0;
    string keyword = keywordTextbox.Text.Trim();//getting given searching string
    int startPosition = 0; //initializing starting position to search
    int endPosition = 0;
    int endArticle = articleRichTextbox.Text.Length;//finding total number of character into the article
    for (int i = 0; i<endArticle  ; i =startPosition )//creating a loop until ending the article
        if (i == -1) //if the loop goes to end of the article then stop
        startPosition = articleRichTextbox.Find(keyword, startPosition, endArticle, RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord);//using find method get the begining position when find the searching string
        if (startPosition >= 0)     //if match the string                                                         //if don't match the string then it  return -1
            count++;//conunting the number of occuerence or match the search string
            articleRichTextbox.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;//coloring the matching string in the article
            endPosition = keywordTextbox.Text.Length;
            startPosition = startPosition + endPosition;//place the starting position at the next word of previously matching string to continue searching.



    if (count == 0)//if the givn search string don't match at any time
        MessageBox.Show("No Match Found!!!");

    numberofaccurTextbox.Text = count.ToString();//show the number of occurence into the text box
于 2013-06-06T04:15:27.360 回答