我创建了一个从 ArcMap 10.1 会话运行的 python 脚本;但是,如果可能的话,我想将其修改为作为独立脚本运行。问题是我没有看到在 ArcMap 外部执行时提示用户输入参数的解决方法。
这甚至可以合理地完成吗?如果是这样,我将如何处理它?下面是我的脚本示例。如何修改它以在命令行提示用户输入参数 0 和 1 的路径名?
import arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
siteArea = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
tempGDB_Dir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
tempGDB = tempGDB_Dir + "\\tempGDB.gdb"
# Data from which records will be extracted
redWoods = "D:\\Data\\GIS\\Landforms\\Tress.gdb\\Redwoods"
# List of tree names that will be used in join
treesOfInterest = "C:\\Data\\GIS\\Trees\\RedwoodList.dbf"
inFeature = [redWoods, siteArea]
tempFC = tempGDB_Dir + "\\TempFC"
tempFC_Layer = "TempFC_Layer"
output_dbf = tempGDB_Dir + "\\Output.dbf"
# Make a temporaty geodatabase
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempGDB_Dir, "tempGDB.gdb")
# Intersect trees with site area
arcpy.Intersect_analysis([redWoods, siteArea], tempFC, "ALL", "", "INPUT")
# Make a temporary feature layer of the results
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tempFC, tempFC_Layer)
# Join redwoods data layer to list of trees
arcpy.AddJoin_management(tempFC_Layer, "TreeID", treesOfInterest, "TreeID", "KEEP_COMMON")
# Frequency analysis - keeps only distinct species values
arcpy.Frequency_analysis(tempFC_Layer, output_dbf, "tempFC.TreeID;tempFC.TreeID", "")
# Delete temporary files