如何在 C# 中搜索一些字符串?好吧,如果我有字符串“詹姆斯邦德”并且我正在搜索“詹姆斯”或“詹姆斯”,它将返回真,但如果我正在搜索“詹姆斯”,它将返回假。我怎么能这样做?也许我需要一点具体。我需要根据以“”分隔的单词进行搜索,请参见上文。如果我正在搜索 jame,它将返回 false。如果我在搜索 jame 时使用 contains,它也会返回 true 对吗?


7 回答 7


You will have to use Regex for this. You cannot use Contains, since it won't take into consideration case-insensitivity and match whole word pattern. Use this instead:

string text = "James bond";

// this will return true  
bool result = Regex.IsMatch(text, "\\bjames\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

// this will return false   
bool result = Regex.IsMatch(text, "\\bjame\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

In the Regex formats, the above \bs will match an alphanumeric-to-nonalphanumeric boundary (or vice-versa). In this case, this ensures that you will be matching james or jame as a whole word and not a partial word.

于 2012-12-09T05:40:40.223 回答

As per your question this is what you would use.

    var ex = "James Bond".ToLower(); //normalize case
    bool contains = ex.Split(' ').Any( x => x == "jame");
   //FALSE because the *word* "jame" is not found in "james bond"

Since this question is causing a lot of confusion, you have to keep in mind all of the casing involved.

var ex = "James Bond";
bool contains = ex.Contains("jame");
// FALSE because "jame" is not found in "James Bond" due to case-sensitivity

var ex = "James Bond".ToLower(); //normalize case
bool contains = ex.Contains("jame");
// TRUE because "jame" is FOUND in "james bond" due to normalized case
于 2012-12-09T06:03:18.070 回答

You can use Split to separate a string into parts that are separated. Ex:

string[] items = "James Bond".Split(' ');
// items == { "James", "Bond" }

You can use ToLower to prevent case senstivity. Ex:

string lower = "James Bond".ToLower();
// lower == "james bond"

You can use StartsWith to determine if a string starts with some substring. Ex:

bool startsWithJame = "James Bond".StartsWith("Jame");
// startsWithJame == true

Using them all together:

bool anyWordStartsWith_jame_NoCaseSensitivity =
   "James Bond"
   .Split(' ')
   .Any(str => str.StartsWith("jame"));
// anyWordStartsWith_jame_NoCaseSensitivity == true
于 2012-12-09T06:11:56.447 回答




于 2012-12-09T05:30:00.670 回答


string[] names = new string[] { "joe", "bob", "chris" };
于 2012-12-09T05:34:05.453 回答


    static void Main(string[] args)
        string name_to_match = "James Bond";
        string word_to_find = "james";
        string word_to_not_find = "jame";

        string patternToFind = string.Format(@"\b{0}\b", word_to_find);
        string patternToNotFind = string.Format(@"\b{0}\b", word_to_not_find);

        Regex regexToFind = new Regex(patternToFind, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        Regex regexToNotFind = new Regex(patternToNotFind, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        bool foundNameExpected = regexToFind.IsMatch(name_to_match);
        bool foundNameNotExpected = regexToNotFind.IsMatch(name_to_match);

在这种情况下,布尔值 foundNameExpected 将为真(因为我们希望 "james" 匹配 "James Bond" 中的 "James"),但 foundNameNotExpected 将为假(因为我们不希望 "jame" 匹配 "James")。

于 2012-12-09T05:40:09.537 回答



string s1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
string s2 = "fox";
bool b;
bool c;
b = s1.Contains(s2);
c = s1.Contains("test")

bool b 将返回 true。
bool c 将返回 false。


    string str = "My Name is james";  

 int result = str.IndexOf("james"); 

如果在句子中找不到特定的单词,结果将为 -1。

于 2012-12-09T05:31:56.243 回答