我正在用 C++ 实现光线追踪。球体工作正常,圆柱体几乎工作正常。但是光线追踪器无法找到与锥体的交点。经过计算,基于此处的链接,我创建了一个交集函数。这是我的锥类的 findIntersection 函数。可变比率为 -1 * 半径 * 半径 /(高度 * 高度);
virtual double findIntersection(Ray ray){
Vect ray_origin = ray.getRayOrigin();
double ray_origin_x = ray_origin.getVectX();
double ray_origin_y = ray_origin.getVectY();
double ray_origin_z = ray_origin.getVectZ();
Vect ray_direction = ray.getRayDirection();
double ray_direction_x = ray_direction.getVectX();
double ray_direction_y = ray_direction.getVectY();
double ray_direction_z = ray_direction.getVectZ();
Vect cone_center = center;
double cone_center_x = center.getVectX();
double cone_center_y = center.getVectY();
double cone_center_z = center.getVectZ();
Vect diff(cone_center_x - ray_origin_x, cone_center_y - ray_origin_y + height, cone_center_z - ray_origin_z);
//Derive the coefficients of the quadratic equation
double a = pow(ray_direction_x, 2) + pow(ray_direction_y, 2) * ratio + pow(ray_direction_z, 2);
double b = diff.getVectX() * ray_direction_x + diff.getVectY() * ratio * ray_direction_y + diff.getVectZ() * ray_direction_z;
double c = diff.getVectX() * diff.getVectX() + ratio * diff.getVectY() * diff.getVectY() + diff.getVectZ() * diff.getVectZ();
double discriminant = b * b - a * c;
cout << discriminant << "\n";
if (discriminant > 0){
//The ray intersects this cone. Find the lower root
double root_1 = (-1 * b - discriminant)/2 - 0.000001;
if (root_1 > 0) {
// the first root is the smallest positive root
return root_1;
else {
// the second root is the smallest positive root
double root_2 = ((sqrt(discriminant) - b)/2) - 0.000001;
return root_2;
else {
// the ray missed the cone
return -1;