I'm developing a web app (AWS, PHP, complex front-end logic, multi-component, multi-module) leading a small distributed team (we use git) and preparing to introduce mode developers to the team. However we would like to isolate application modules and underlying code base among devs. E.g.: we want front end devs to be exposed only to their part of the code.

It is important to remain within one dev instance and one app path, due to environment setup, one dev DB with sample data, etc.

Currently, the solution I see, is to set users and user groups with appropriate permissions, allow and disallow certain directories, etc. However it is not clear how to work with git in the context. …maybe this approach is completely irrelevant.

How should i go about this?


1 回答 1


您可能正在寻找超出git. 你看过GitlabGitorious吗?这些提供了一个类似于 Github 的接口。Gitlab 似乎更适合在组织内进行开发,并非所有内容都对其他人可见,但您可以使用 Gitorious 实现类似的目标。

于 2012-12-08T20:06:14.133 回答