我的 PHP 从 MySQL 抓取数据并将其显示在我的 index.php 的容器 div 中,没有问题。但是,数据会一个接一个地显示(不同的行),而不是使用同一行中的可用空间。

这是在 body 标记中用作整体容器的 div 的 index.php 片段。第二个 div 用于无限滚动功能,当用户到达屏幕末尾时加载更多数据。

<div id="postedComments">

<?php require_once 'jquery-masterLoader.php' ;  ?>

<div id="loadMoreComments" style="display:none;" > <center>test for hidden field            </center>

这是 PHP jquery-masterLoader.php,它是控制加载脚本的两个 PHP 文件之一。另一个对于 show 和 tell 来说不是必需的,因为它仅在用户到达屏幕末尾时才被调用。

if ( strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),strtolower(basename(__FILE__))) ) {
header("Location: index.php");
die("Denny access");
    error_reporting(0) ;
    set_exception_handler('exception_handler') ;
    $config = parse_ini_file("core/config/my.ini") ;
    $db=new mysqli($config['dbLocation'] , $config['dbUser'] , $config['dbPassword'] ,                 
    if(mysqli_connect_error()) {
     throw new Exception("<b>Could not connect to database</b>") ;
    if (!$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM world_country ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT          
    0,30")) {
throw new Exception("<b>Could not read data from the table </b>") ;

    while ($data = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $id = $data->id;
    $name = $data->Name ;
    $continent = $data->Continent;
    $population = $data->Population ;
    echo "
    <div class='postedComment' style=\"width: 33%; \ list-style: ; \ float: left;\" id=\"$data-                 
    >id \">

    <b>Country : </b>$name <br /> 
    <b>Continent : </b>$continent<br/>
    <b>Population : </b>$population 
    <i style=\"font-size:small;color:blue\">Index : $id</i>
    <hr /> 

    " ;

    /* close connection */
    function exception_handler($exception) {
      echo "Exception cached : " , $exception->getMessage(), "";

很抱歉将样式与 PHP 混合在一起,这是一项正在进行的工作。

Here's the CSS rules

#postedComments {
width: 100%;
display: ;


html, body { 
height: ; 
width: 100%; 
margin: 0; 
padding: 0;

#body {
width: 60%; 
margin: 1% auto;

 /* Resets */

ul {
margin:0 0 20px 0;

h1, h2 {
margin:0 0 20px 0;

p {
margin:0 0 20px 0;

a:link, a:visited {

a:hover {

ul li {
padding:5px 0;

ul li input[type="text"], ul li input[type="password"] {

Also here's the JavaScript calling upon the scripts.

 $(document).ready(function() { 
 $("#postedComments").append( "<p id='last'></p>" );
 //$("#postedComments").append( "<div id='last'></div>" );
console.log("Document Ready ------------------------");
if ($("#last").length){ 
position = $("#last").offset() ; 
console.log("Initialization of last_DIV succeeded and it's values are ....Top-value           
is :"+Math.floor(position.top) + " ---- Left-value is : "+ Math.floor(position.left ))      

doMouseWheel = 1 ;   
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (!doMouseWheel)  {
return ;
} ;
 var distanceTop = $('#last').offset().top - $(window).height();
     console.log("Mouse scroll , and The DIV  last has an offset-top value of :"+      
Math.floor($("#last").offset().top)+"----Window height is     
:"+Math.floor($(window).height())+"---- Last's offset minus window height is :     
"+Math.floor(distanceTop)) ;  
if  ($(window).scrollTop() > distanceTop){
console.log("End of Window Reached >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") ;
console.log("Show Div loadMoreComments and Class .postedComments.last has the id of  :     
 doMouseWheel = 0 ; 
dataType : "html" ,
url: "jquery-loadMoreComments.php?lastComment="+     
$(".postedComment:last").attr('id') ,   
success: function(html) {
 doMouseWheel = 1 ; 
console.log("Append html , sumarize .... first id has nr : "     
+$(".postedComment:first").attr('id')+ " --- last id has nr :"     
position = $("#last").offset() ; 
console.log("New values of last_DIV  from IF_html are , Top 
:"+Math.floor(position.top )+" --- left :"+Math.floor(position.left)) ; 
if ($("#last").length == 0 ){ console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The last_DIV is removed     
from stage>>>>>>>>>>") ; }
$("#postedComments").append( "<p id='last'></p>" );
if ($("#last").length  ){ 
position = $("#last").offset() ; 
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A new last_DIV is appended and it's values are , Top :" 
+ Math.floor(position.top) +"  ---- Left :" + Math.floor(position.left )) ; 
console.log("LoadMoreComments is replaced with a custom message") ; 
$('div#loadMoreComments').replaceWith("<center><h1 style='color:red'>End of    
countries !!!!!!!</h1></center>");

Second JS script (custom_jquery.js)

 $(document).ready(function() { 
  $("#postedComments").append( "<p id='last'></p>" );
 //console.log("Document Ready");
doMouseWheel = 1 ;   
 $(window).scroll(function() {
 //console.log("Window Scroll ----");

 if (!doMouseWheel)  {
 return ;
 } ;
  var distanceTop = $('#last').offset().top - $(window).height();   
if  ($(window).scrollTop() > distanceTop){
 //console.log("Window distanceTop to scrollTop Start");
  doMouseWheel = 0 ; 
    //console.log("Another window to the end !!!!       
dataType : "html" ,
url: "jquery-loadMoreComments.php?lastComment="+ 
 $(".postedComment:last").attr('id') ,  
success: function(html) {
 doMouseWheel = 1 ; 
//console.log("Append html--------- " +$(".postedComment:first").attr('id'));
//console.log("Append html--------- " +$(".postedComment:last").attr('id'));
$("#postedComments").append( "<p id='last'></p>" );
$('div#loadMoreComments').replaceWith("<center><h1 style='color:red'>End of      
 countries !!!!!!!</h1></center>");
 // Added on Ver.0.4  
 //Disable Ajax when result from PHP-script is empty (no more DB-results )
 doMouseWheel = 0 ; 

1 回答 1


Ok, problem solved. I separated style from behavior (CSS from PHP) and float: left; kicked in and saved the day.

I usually would never mix content/style/behavior however, being code from Github I was lazy and left it as is. As a consequence, the float property wasn't being recognized.

I did this adjustment to my CSS and the problem was solved. DIV's are taking 33% width of the 100% available in the container that is in the body which takes up 60% of the screen.

        #postedComments {
            width: 100%;
            display: block;

        .postedComment {
            width: 33%; 
            float: left;

For those who commented, the br tags will eventually be removed but, they weren't causing the problem. They just separated the data within the div.

Also #postedComments with an s only affects the master DIV.

Thank you for your time regardless. Time to tackle a load of other stuff now... :)

于 2012-12-08T09:15:06.797 回答