I'm trying to add data into array list. in this result
[{Store={id_store=2, namestore=Kupat Tahu Singaparna , product=[{id_product=1, price=100000, quantity=1}]}}]
you could use this code:
static ArrayList Storecart = new ArrayList();
LinkedHashMap store = new LinkedHashMap();
LinkedHashMap storeitem = new LinkedHashMap();
LinkedHashMap listproduct = new LinkedHashMap();
ArrayList prdct = new ArrayList();
storeitem.put("namestore",namestr );
listproduct.put("id_product", id_prodt);
listproduct.put("quantity", quantity);
storeitem.put("product", prdct);
store.put("Store", storeitem);
I need to get the index of an object in the array list. The problem is, I can't looping array list for "get object Store, and object product" and find every index.. what will be the best & efficient solution ?