我正在尝试比较我的类 CustomerNode 的两个对象,然后返回与这些方法的字母优势相关的结果。我无法弄清楚为什么这不起作用。对我来说,逻辑似乎很好,我正在按照作业中的说明进行操作。
bool OrderedList::add (CustomerNode* newEntry)
if (newEntry != 0)
CustomerNode * current;
CustomerNode * previous = NULL;
head = newEntry;
current = head;
// initialize "current" & "previous" pointers for list traversal
while(current && *newEntry < *current) // location not yet found (use short-circuit evaluation)
// move on to next location to check
previous = current;
current = current->getNext();
// insert node at found location (2 cases: at head or not at head)
//if previous did not acquire a value, then the newEntry was
//superior to the first in the list.
if(previous == NULL)
head = newEntry;
previous->setNext(newEntry); //Previous now needs to point to the newEntry
newEntry->setNext(current); //and the newEntry points to the value stored in current.
return newEntry != 0; // success or failure
好的,这是程序中包含的重载 operator<,在通用对象上测试它会得到预期的结果:
bool CustomerNode::operator< (const CustomerNode& op2) const
bool result = true;
//Variable to carry & return result
//Initialize to true, and then:
if (strcmp(op2.lastName, lastName))
result = false;
return result;