我正在 MS CRM 功能区中创建一个自定义按钮,该按钮在实体中创建记录,(我正在使用 odata),这个按钮午餐是一个 JavaScript 函数,它使用“GetGlobalContext”方法来获取上下文,我面临以下问题:
属性“GetGlobalContext”的值为 null 或未定义
var ODataPath;
var serverUrl;
//add the below script to the page DOM
var imported = document.createElement('script');
imported.src = 'ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx';
//On COnvert to case click
function OnConvertClick(message) {
var data = {
subject: Xrm.Page.getAttribute(message).getValue()
CreateCaseOffer("incident", data);
//create case from an activity
function CreateCaseOffer(EntityName, data) {
var context = GetGlobalContext(); //GetGlobalContext function exists in ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx
serverUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ":" + location.port + "/" + context.getOrgUniqueName();
ODataPath = serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
var jsonCaseOffers = window.JSON.stringify(data);
if (jsonCaseOffers != null) {
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
url: ODataPath + "/" + EntityName + "Set",
data: jsonCaseOffers,
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
success: function (data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) {
$.each(data, function (k, v) {
alert(k + " - " + v);
error: function (XmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
有什么建议么 ??