我想在用户界面的现有视图中绘制条形图。在用户输入后计算单条高点并存储在数组中。在一个按钮被衬套最终绘制条形图之后,该数组应该传递给我的自定义 GraphView 类。但它不起作用。我不知道我是否正确传递了数组(如何检查它?)以及如何在我的 drawrect 方法中访问它以设置单条高点?一旦我NSNumber *balkenHoehe = [balkenArray objectAtIndex:i];输入 drawrect 方法并balkenHoehe作为 rect-hight 我得到错误。我需要做什么?谢谢!


我的 AppDelegate.h

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>

@property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *eingabeNennmass;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *eingabeToleranzOben;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *eingabeToleranzUnten;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *eingabeAnzahlWerte;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *ausgabeMittelwert;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *ausgabeToleranz
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet GraphView *ausgabeGraph;

- (IBAction)pushSimulation:(NSButton *)sender;


我的 AppDelegate.m 缩短了

#import "GraphView.h" 
#import "AppDelegate.h"

implementation AppDelegate
....//couple calculating code and building the array klassenArray//...

    [klassenArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble: n]];
....//more code//...

[_ausgabeGraph setBalkenArray:klassenArray]; (connected with the GraphView view on the user interface)

....//more code//...

我的 GraphView.h

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface GraphView : NSView

NSMutableArray *balkenArray;


- (NSMutableArray *) balkenArray;
- (void) setBalkenArray:(NSMutableArray *)abalkenArray;


我的 GraphView.m

#import "GraphView.h"

@implementation GraphView

- (void) setBalkenArray:(NSMutableArray *)abalkenArray
    balkenArray = abalkenArray;
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (NSMutableArray *)balkenArray
    return balkenArray;

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {


    return self;

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect

    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
    float fieldWith = bounds.size.width / 12.0;
    float fieldHeight = bounds.size.height / 12.0;

    NSRect hintergrundRect =
    hintergrundRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y,
                                  bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height);
    [[NSColor grayColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath fillRect:hintergrundRect];


    for (int i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
        NSNumber *balkenHoehe = [balkenArray objectAtIndex:i];
//        NSLog(@"rectnumber at index %d is %@", i, balkenHoehe);

        NSRect aRect =
        aRect = NSMakeRect (fieldWith*i, fieldHeight, fieldWith, balkenHoehe); //x, y, width, hight
        // draw rect
    [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath fillRect:aRect];

        // draw border
    [[NSColor blackColor] set];
    NSBezierPath *aPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:aRect];
    [aPath setLineWidth:1];
    [aPath stroke];


1 回答 1


好的,在这里感谢我自己!好小子。我在 GrapView.h 中使用了 @property 和 @systnesize 东西

@interface GraphView : NSView
NSMutableArray *balkenArray;
@property(nonatomic, retain)NSMutableArray *balkenArray;
@property(readwrite, assign)double _maxKlasse;

和 GraphView.m

@synthesize balkenArray, _maxKlasse;

在 AppDelegate.m 中,数组被发送到视图:

[_ausgabeGraph setNeedsDisplay:YES];

最后在 GraphView.m 中使用数组来绘制条形图:

... 代码 ...

for (int i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
  double _x = [(NSNumber*)[balkenArray objectAtIndex:i-1] doubleValue];

  //draw rect
  NSRect aRect =
    aRect = NSMakeRect (fieldWith * i, fieldHeight, fieldWith, (6*fieldHeight*_x/_maxKlasse)); //x, y, width, variable hight
    [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath fillRect:aRect];


感谢 Gabriele Petronella 使用属性和合成的提示。只要我了解它就更容易使用。我仍然需要学习命名约定。

于 2012-12-12T19:57:19.010 回答