Am created one ios books reader application.. In this application am integrated google drive and skydrive.. Now i can able to signin and retrive datas from google drive and skydrive..
In google drive i can able to get thumbnail views of my files.. In google drive have an option for getting thumbnails.. Using thumbnail url.
In sky drive i searched a lot i cant able to get for this.. Is it possible to get thumbnails of my files(First page) in Sky drive
Really am working on two days in that.. I cant able to get any resource.. So pls help me


3 回答 3


您需要联系 SkyDrive API 开发人员。他们的文档不完整。也许有一种方法可以获取文件的缩略图,但是文档中没有说明。

于 2013-01-30T04:08:46.677 回答

是的,有一种方法可以从 SkyDrive iOS API 获取文件缩略图。在您从 SkyDrive API 收到的 JSON 数据模型中,检索键“图片”的值。此值是带有缩略图下载 URL 的字符串。下面是你如何得到它(假设 jsonFileModel 是一个 NSDictionary* 代表一个 SkyDrive 文件):

    NSString *thumbnailDownloadURL = [jsonFileModel objectForKey: @"picture"];
于 2014-03-31T00:53:35.037 回答



于 2012-12-14T09:47:59.163 回答