I'm trying to use droidText Link here to convert an PDF page to an Image (to show in ImageView! However, I can't find any solution for this with droidText lib after 2 day of google searching! So I want to ask for a help to solve this problem? Anyone does it before? Can you show me some examples? Thanks!


1 回答 1


我找到了一个链接(它与 droitext 无关),您可以使用它来构建您的解决方案

http://www.jpedal.org/gplSrc/org/jpedal/examples/images/ConvertPagesToImages.java.html?_ hstc=123926613.cadb52490e653b75bf4281c606218039.1356089256893.1356089256893.1356089256893.1& _hssc=123926613.1.1356089256893]

你可以看看函数 extractPageAsImage

于 2012-12-21T11:38:06.510 回答