有没有办法在 Eclipse 中嵌入或集成第 3 方编辑器。我们正在尝试将 Kettle 的 Spoon 编辑器(ETL 基于 Java 的图形界面)添加到 Eclipse,而不修改 Spoon 的代码。有没有办法做到这一点。基本需求是 - 当用户单击 Spoon 文件 (*.ktr) 时,Spoon 编辑器会在 Eclipse 的编辑器窗格中打开(连同其所有菜单和工具栏)

Spoon 完全基于 java 和 swt。目前我正在使用 Spoon 作为外部编辑器(通过 Eclipse),但它在单独的窗口 Spoon 中打开:http ://wiki.pentaho.com/display/EAI/.01+Introduction+to+Spoon



1 回答 1


I don't know anything about Spoon besides the screenshots of it's GUI on it's website, so take the following with a grain of salt! (pun intended)

Most probably Spoon launches it's own Shell, hence cannot be embedded in an editor pane.

Rather, to achieve your goal you will have to create your own editor and register it through the org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point.

The difficulty to create an editor depends on how modular Spoon is.

于 2012-12-06T10:26:25.283 回答