我已经学习了 5 个月,并制作了自己的应用程序,对我来说最难的是自定义 UIView,以及带有所有很酷的动画和东西的漂亮而漂亮的自定义 iOS 用户界面。



- 用手指滑动单元格并显示下方菜单。好的,我知道 center 属性,但是如何在单元格下方放置东西?

- 动态更改frame属性。我只是不能将一些按钮放在一起,仅此而已。

- 制作任何类型的自定义 UI 控件。这对我来说就像一个梦想。如果我需要一些东西,我唯一的选择是通过 GitHub 获取现成的控件。

像这样的小东西,因此我更喜欢 Interface Builder 来处理与 UIViews 相关的任何事情。


我已经阅读了 UIView 官方文档并浏览了一些示例。我读过一本关于 Core Graphics 和 UIView 动画(不是 Core Animation)的书,并浏览了所有示例,但这对我来说仍然很难,所以还有其他好书或类似的东西吗?


2 回答 2


Well creating good user interfaces is not about putting in particular controls, it's about making the interface very usable for what the user wants to accomplish, and there is no magic formula for this.

There are some concepts you could keep in mind. A good user interface should at least:

  1. Make it clear what the user should do next.
  2. Allow the user to accomplish this with a minimum of interaction.
  3. Get out of the user's way when not needed.

If you look at the above, you may notice that too much focus on particular controls can actually lead to poor interfaces as some things are used for the flash factor and can become obnoxious.

With that said, there are some usability metrics that you could use as a rough guide, and that should help someone with a more functional mindset. You can google those, but here's a page with some that should get you started: http://www.measuringusability.com/blog/essential-metrics.php

A while ago, I read a book called "The Humane Interface" which I thought had some good ideas on UIs. It's an older book, but I think much of what it had to say still rings true to this day.

Finally, go online and check out some web sites. Heaven knows the web is the perfect medium for how NOT TO design a user interface. Even big companies display shocking incompetence when designing what should be the most straight-forward of sites. See what the bad sites are and why you dislike them. See what the good sites are and why you like them. Sure these are web sites, but they still require interactivity and are therefore relevant.

于 2012-12-05T18:59:38.730 回答


- 用手指滑动单元格并显示下方菜单。好的,我知道 center 属性,但是如何在单元格下方放置东西?




像这样的小东西,因此我更喜欢 Interface Builder 来处理与 UIViews 相关的任何事情。

对于自定义控件/视图,您必须更喜欢编程视图。只需查看您在 gitHub 中提到的此类自定义视图和控件的源代码,您就会获得更多的想法和方法。

于 2012-12-05T19:12:42.773 回答