istream& operator >> (istream& Is, rational& r) {
char c; //Test char.
double n; //Could be either the numerator of the fraction or the antiperiod of the repeating decimal number.
Is >> n;
int i = 0;
for (; n*10-pow(10, i+1) < 1 && int(n) != 0; i++) {
n *= 10;
for (; int(n*10) % 10; i++) {
n *= 10;
n /= pow(10, i);
if (i == 0) {
r.num = n;
Is >> ws;
c = Is.peek();
if (c == '/') {
c = Is.get();
Is >> r.den;
} else {
r.den = 1;
r.normalize(); //This function normalizes the fraction.
} else {
Is >> ws;
c = Is.peek();
if (c == 'p' || c == 'P') {
int p; //Period of the repeating decimal number.
c = Is.get();
Is >> p;
vector<int> a = genFrac(n, p); //This function returns the fraction which express the decimal repeating number. It returns a "vector<int>" with the nominator at index 1 e denominator at index 0.
r.num = a[1];
r.den = a[0];
} else {
i = 0;
for (; n*10-pow(10, i+1) < 1 && int(n) != 0; i++) {
n *= 10;
for (; int(n*10) % 10 != 0; i++) {
n *= 10;
int pot10 = pow(10, i);
r.num = n;
r.den = pot10;
return Is;
我编写了这段代码来实现我的“理性”类的输入。我从我的 C++ 书中写的那本书修改了它,以便可以输入十进制数字,包括重复数字。
- 9/8
- 9
- 9.87
- 1.p3 (= 1.3333333333)