我正在使用多站点 Wordpress 安装,并且正在检查特色博客是否超过一天但不到一周:
/* Work out blog of the day */
$featured_id = get_option('featured_blog'); # Current ID
$featured_time = get_option('featured_time'); # Current Time
if($featured_time > time()-86400 && $featured_time < time()-604800) // more than 1 Day ago but less than a week
$query = "SELECT blog_id FROM `wp_blogs` WHERE public = '1' and archived = '0' and spam = '0' and deleted = '0' AND blog_id NOT IN ('".$featured_id."', '1','27') ORDER BY rand() limit 1";
$featured_id = $wpdb->get_var($query);
update_option('featured_blog', $featured_id);
update_option('featured_time', time());